Information about the fourth episode (Life is Strange)
This thread discusses episode 4 and its release date.Maybe the episode will come out in July.
Hurry up, I really want to see him, I have never waited for a single game like this one, the final of the third still does not let go
Somewhere in mid-July, the episode will be released. Since episodes come out every 45 days.
At the end, you can see on the poster Thursday, if you think purely theoretically, then episode 4 should come out on June 24 to June 26
I'm really looking forward to episode 4. How do you want to change Chloe's life.
Episode 4 - July 7-14, 2015
Coming soon dear friends July 7-14, 2015 from Tuesday to Tuesday. We learn the story of Maxi and Chloe)
The first season hasn't even finished yet, and now it's season 4! you are funny though
Definitely not 7. Last time the release date was announced a week before, from this we can conclude that most likely after July 10
Few people will play without translation into Russian, so a couple more days to translate.