Video card problem...
People the situation is like this. So the Radeon ASHDI7750 was gone and decided to put the Zhiforce Zhtix 650. The fact is that I deleted the Radeon firewood completely through the Radeon prog where you put more firewood, then looked in the "programs and components" they are not there, then deleted the firewood in the "Device Manager" vidyaha disappeared from the list , deleted everything, cleaned the registry, downloaded firewood for zhiforce in between. I turned off the PC and put the video game on, put the firewood on and after about 30 minutes the driver stopped working and was successfully restored. It's okay, but it can go out completely. And even when you turn on the PC, it can stupidly reach the welcome and all the black screen. Lazel in the internet said to kill the firewood, he also completely interrupted. Maybe the problem is in 353.30 wood. Did you also do the same in the nvidia control panel and go to the Sorround settings? Physx and there I set vidyahu 650 in the physex settings and it didn’t help. Maybe you have encountered such a problem and know how to help)Reference card or factory overclocked? Is the power supply ok? With a lack of voltage or large current ripples (dry capacitors), this may well happen. It is advisable to check the card on another machine, if everything is fine there, change the power supply.
try the amdshnoy utility (amdcleanuputility) to bang firewood again, it sometimes works crookedly ... and download its relatives from the manufacturer's website to a new card.
if there is still a graphics core in the processor or mp - the screen jumps to it.
in fact, it was necessary not to delete anything - remove the radeon, put the zhyfors and install the zhyfors of the driver.
and so most likely the driver that is there is a common screen.
Thanks to everyone for the help, like there are no flights yet, I'll test it for now ..
I don't understand the meaning of the replacement. As Escobar said, sho then hnya sho this hnya ... If the radeon has not burned out, there is no point in changing it to the GTX650. The cards are almost identical, except that on the Huang the frequency of the processor is higher and the frequency of the video memory, and on the Radeon there is more video memory and a larger number of universal processors. The performance gain will be (if any) 1-2 fps. Think about whether you need such a crap.