Famous quotes from movies v.2
Alien 3:In a mad world, a reasonable person must be insane
very memorable phrase in pirates of the Caribbean 2
IS going to save Elizabeth?
-How much do you know about Davey Jones?
-Not a lot.......
-Yes,it's going to save Elizabeth!
who saw that will understand)
I cloud-cloud-the-Ucka!I'm not a bear!
One well about-about-about-very famous quote from one well about-about-about-very famous cartoon!CDM
Scary movie
... and woke up dead!
How can you Wake up dead?
— So, when you go to sleep alive!
— Then you can go to bed dead and Wake up alive?
— You can't go dead, dude. It will be a pathology.
— No, no. You can either go to bed, dead, or dying, but not to sleep.
But he was in bed when he died. Now, as he woke up dead, you ass!
— Damn! Here is a thought.
The time of heroes is dead, Wiglaf. The Christian God has killed it, leaving us nothing but martyrs, fear and shame.
I'll be back ©. Famous Fresca with terminator. For those who still do not understand: all Bi Back ©...
In chess it's called the Tsung tsvang when the best move is not to move
Until a selection is made, everything is possible
Mr. nobody
If you are good at somethig never do it for free. Joker (Dark Knight)
American, Russian - all sdelano in China. Lev Andropov (Armageddon)
I am your father. (Anyone who has never heard of: to URGENTLY RESTORE the GAPS IN CULTURAL HORIZONS)
American, Russian - all sdelano in China.
VCA smuggling is made in Odessa.
I am your father.
Yes, good bye that series is to understand, to forgive...
One, two, five! - Three, sir. - Three Of Monty Python.
If we build a huge wooden bars*ka... Monty Python. Fucking antimat!!!!!!!
You are all special, you are all personality! - Yes, we are all special, we are all personality! - And I'm not, I like everything. - Shut up. Monty Python.
You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... WITH... A HERRING! Monty Python also.
First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it. My favorite quote. Well, Monty Python, of course.
How to get to Berlin? (this Team A) I almost died at this point from laughing.
VCA smuggling is made in Odessa.
12 chairs O. Bender the Whole smuggling is made in Odessa.On little Arnaut street
A fool can't beat me mortal husband. I'm not a man! - Cool Frasca two opponents from Lord of the Rings the third part.
A fool can't beat me mortal husband. I'm not a man!
Well, if literally, she replied: I am not a husband! - and the last effort she thrust the sword into the void between the crown and the cloak.
One of my favorite episodes of VK.
*yawn* Boring episode...
Still, it's the Spanish Inquisition!!! one of my favorite sketches, it's just impossible not to love.
what do you think is better to live as a monster or to die... man?
Island of the damned.
astalavista baby - the second terminator
game over series saw
life or death, the choice is yours series saw