Famous quotes from movies v.2
Alien 3:In a mad world, a reasonable person must be insane
If you hired a Mexican to kill the villain... what the fuck, you must be sure that the villain is not you!!! (C)
Inside each of us there is a struggle. This is the whole essence of man. You just need to understand how to win. (Heroes)
Self improvement is Masturbation. Self-destruction is what really important. Fight club
I will tell everyone what has brought the planet that buffoon PG! Patsaks callanan sat on his head! Kyu!
The passion of the Christ from Mel Gibson, Jesus said to the disciples:whatsoever things ye shall ask in prayer, believe that ye receive them, and you...
04.01.11 13:47
The passion of the Christ from Mel Gibson, Jesus said to the disciples:whatsoever things ye shall ask in prayer, believe that ye receive them, and you...
§373. All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believe that ye receive them, and you. (Evang. Mark, CH. XI, p. 24.)
- I couldn't know in advance, but I always lacked one little thing. Wherever I tried to do something, I'm not lost... Just something was missing... But even if I knew it - nothing would have changed. It is impossible to create. It divides all the world into successful and losers.
- War.
Are you a Mexican or a Mexi? Don't remember how the film was called, there's still the GG was in the guitar gun.