Help with Elden Ring graphics bug (Elden Ring)
When objects approach, when they become translucent, ripples appear, and at a distance with moving objects, it also looks as if the graininess has been turned on to the maximum. When the anti-aliasing quality is set to high, the ripples become less, but still not removed. even when SSAO is set, blackouts appear on objects (I set the current to the maximum because soap appears at the medium setting), and they start to blink a little, the problem is solved only by turning off this setting. Tell me, can anyone come across this in other games? There is no information anywhere about this problem. Is this a bug in the game itself or is it something I have with my computer? Other games don't have this.anti-aliasing quality setting off: anti-
aliasing quality setting set to high:
for example, a guard on a horse, because of this graininess, everything is blurry at a distance, as if his model is in 360p:
and here SSAO is turned on to max:
SSAO is turned off: