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Gryxa 18.03.22 09:21 pm

Screen of Death (Elden Ring)

I bought this pre-ordered game in Steam, I am silent about the drawdowns of fepes (2070 super + 8700k), but damn it, the cases of "blue screen / screen of death" have become more frequent, just for no reason "screen of death" and the computer reboots ... how to deal with it?

ps for the sake of interest, I also played other games, everything is fine, I ran the computer with stress tests, the same is normal ...
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SonyK_2 18.03.22

Gryxa Gryxa
... all of a sudden the screen of death and the computer reboots... how to deal with it?
In "Download and Restore" you can do this ...
..., and after the next "bruise" see what causes the problem:
If the same error (problem with some driver, etc.) - try to update it, or delete (if not needed).
From a personal note: I recently had a BSOD after updating HWiNFO. I looked at the reason - there were 3 dynamic libraries in: C:WindowsSystem32drivers, containing AMD and the name of the program (apparently for their hardware). Because there is no such thing in the system right now - deleted it,
If the errors are different - perhaps a problem with the hardware. First of all, look at the BP - monitor the voltages (minimum / maximum) in some kind of "heavy" game, or stress test.
Must be within 5%. If the maximum / minimum voltage is more or less - a reason to think.
Spoiler + 3.3 V = 3.135 - 3.465 Volt
+5 V = 4.75 - 5.25 Volt
+12 V = 11.4 - 12.6 Volt
for the sake of interest, I played other games, everything is fine, I drove the computer with stress tests, the same norm ... It
depends on what games. For example, there was a case that people "died" vidyuhi, because the frame rate was not limited in the menu of one MMO.
Spoiler https://www.playground.ru/new_world/news/amazon_zayavlyaet_chto_v_new_world_bezopasno_igrat_nesmotrya_na_neofitsialnye_soobscheniya_ob_ubityh_videokartah-1143556
If you don't "lock" it yourself, it can be several to several thousand frames per second (I saw it myself in another game). At the same time, the load on the kit increases, in some cases, a "squeak" of throttles (etc.) is heard. Leaving for protection ("bruising", or rebooting the computer) is not the worst thing that can happen. In the worst case, something will burn.

VETER15 18.03.22

Gryxa Did you build a
PC yourself?