In short, man, I have an exclusive intel that this patch is delayed, because. the main person who allows updates to the exit is stuck on the bus 14 km from the main office of CDPR, and without him there is no way. The cork will dissolve in about 3 hours, 48 ​​minutes. and 16...15..14...13...12 seconds. In general, wait for this time. Is that the answer you wanted to hear when you created the topic? What stupid questions? - as it comes out, so it will come out.
They said it seems like the weekend will come out, although who knows they might come out next week =)
At the office Forum people are already waiting for patch 1.05 by the end of 2016))
And why do you need this patch? Haven't all the previous bugs been fixed yet? Or just what would be?
I have had 1.2 since the release and now it is the same. I have never updated the game. And everything is fine.
King of the World
, so you are the king of the world, and ordinary users still have a lot of bugs, and serious bugs, and not crooked coverage of the right half-ass of the naker
Dude, I'm pounding at 120bpm. I go into this topic with my heart in the hope that someone has started to download a new patch! And what do I see: when will the new patch be released?? Ugh you.