Management (FIFA 15)
What exactly is meant by the concepts: Jerk, Switching step-run, Run pace ...In the Dog there is a run button, it is pressed, the player runs, and here there are already THREE pieces ...
sprint is a run
switch is a player's switch when you are off the ball. step-run is when you are with the ball, you can walk with the ball or run
, so I don’t understand: if there is a run button, then why is the switch button still on Step-Run, and the tempo button
The problem is this, in UT I can’t figure out how to kick from the field with a spin, the ball always flies much higher than the goal after hitting no matter how hard it is. Has anyone encountered such a problem?
"to better perform a feint, or stroke" ... What are you talking about?
"it makes no sense to run on a dash, except along the flank, and exit 1on1" - that's just on a dash, I get to run, but I can't figure out the rest
Snatch is acceleration
Switching step-run is useful along the curb to better control the ball and not lose it
Running pace, if I'm not mistaken, to control the ball (put back, etc.)