The problem with mouse!!! (Middle-earth: Shadow of War)
In the menu when setting up the mouse works fine, but when I go into the game itself ceases to rotate the camera, it remains only a buttons are active and all.Visus345
you have antivirusnik worth? I have 360 Internet security can from for it?
In Middle-earth: Shadow of War not working
Sometimes the control in the game is not working due to the simultaneous connection of multiple input devices. Try unplugging the gamepad or, if for some reason you have two keyboards or mouse, leave only one pair of devices. If you are not running a controller, remember – officially the game only supports controllers, determines how the Xbox joysticks. If your controller is defined differently – try to use programs that emulate joysticks Xbox (for example, x360ce). but I haven't tried (source
Left connectors only headphones, the Internet, the mouse and keyboard and all the same canoe with the camera X_x I Hope will appear to fix the realties...
Did as written in the bug with directx 11. And Yes the mouse is still not working.
Guys, I figured it out.most likely you have Yandex Browser, it locks access to the full functions of the mouse, or rather its protection Protect.
Just turn it off in the browser settings and all. Or off the option"Screen and keyboard, uncheck it.
You can still exclude the game from scanning protection