Ready, steady, GO... (Diablo 2)
Hello. In connection with the planned reset, I'm gathering aparty of magpies/falls/beavers/amok on "classic softcore".
The goal of the party is to pass the normal-hell, swing 50+ level.
In a party, the game is more interesting and faster.
On the 5th we are going to the game after the server starts.
We wait half an hour for the people to gather, then we start.
(if it doesn't work out at this time, then 5 hours after the reset)
The name of the game will be - PARTY / HARD
To get into the party - indicate your account and the selected character ...
Team ...
1. Rockerman - cold sorc
2. zigzagcl - cold sorc
3. cs_xd - hammer
4. hbqh - summoner
5. Stronghold_777 - ench sorc
6. Sharkss - cold sorc
7. bd_sm - cold sorc
8. TeachMeTiger - hammer
9. Dophar - BO bar
since I myself will start with the classics, I would join if it were not for
1. Rockerman - cold sorc
the party will fall apart in half an hour)
party forty/pals/beavers/amok on "classic softcore".
And it will turn out
a party of forty/forty/forty/forty and a lonely BO-barb on "classic softcore".
1. Rockerman - cold sorc
2. zigzagcl - cold sorc
3. cs_xd - cold sorc
DailSow, this is Thor_Hammer ) I'll start on classic too ) Ready to start as supports (Ench + Bo) and Blizz shirt ;)
The banker was not taken to the party and he decided to organize his own party with blackjack and torums.
TS, hi. Ready to break in with you, if everyone writes like admins from 5. then until Monday we can sit for at least a day. More in the evenings after work.
Ready to break in cold litter / boor / smith / full Bo / ench
skype resp1989 or here in HP. Game experience since the distant 2000s.