midtone, will close when it wakes up (second moderator ;D).
reference to the previous one, according to tradition. we must not lose our heritage. it determines our national self-consciousness and ability to think based on the conclusions of our ancestors! ;C
Spoiler there are prospects in PvM for the realization of their things, but few people see it.
Oh okay, tell me. And why then closed the first quote book, it was called as it should be?
"now all sorts of forum farts are watching the spelling and punctuation, their own and others"
Good term.
RescueCat, yeah, the term is nothing like that. ;D
How do you determine which game persona is yours? You are not kidding! ;D property rights criteria from M0estro Negative:
SpoilerAska was on my account. The fact is that only I wore this ICQ, but on common runes.
=) Maestro's quotation worn yesterday (continuation of the previous one):
Spoiler Well, the fact that I then took all the gear, I think I did the right thing, because I was not going to throw it away.
lost, forgotten! ))
Spoiler The meaning of most online games is to prove who is the strongest and who is not, what kind of communication are you talking about?
I would add)
The doctor of arithmetic sciences, diablo expert Negative will answer
collective authorship:
Spoiler>> I'm waiting for the reset, mark is also waiting for the reset... we are waiting for the reset =)
"What's the trouble, the next noobs played for a couple of years and they got bored."