Problem in the game: Binds. (Left 4 Dead)
I used to use binds on different vocalizations of the team. after the update, all the binds were erased. decided to re-enter. I write the bind: bind "5" "vocalize elevator_conversation" the console tells me:bind [command] : attach a command to a key ... I write bind "5" to find out what the bind is, it tells me
"5" = "slot5" . this means that the bind is empty. as well as other numbers/letters. What should I do? in advance thx
Since there is a special topic for binds, I copy my trouble here:
Question: how to bind a phrase you like to a key?
For example, bind 1 "vocalize smartlook" screams properly, but not with a tank.
In theory, you can bind any phrase from the game, for example, there is a warntank04 file, but:
vocalize warntank04
vocalize playerwarntank04
vocalize warntank
vocalize playerwarntank
vocalize zoeywarntank04
do not fit. Tell me what I'm doing wrong. If possible, give a list of voice binds, I actually don’t use the console ... I almost don’t know the commands.
Not all commands can be bound.
The bind should look like this: bind b "vocalize PlayerCoverMe", where the important element is player.
Those. if you're playing as Luis, "vocalize zoeywarntank04" won't work because it's tied to Zoey.
Apparently the same.
vocalize smartlook - Look!
vocalize PlayerMoveOn - Forward!
vocalize PlayerLeadOn - You lead!
vocalize PlayerHurryUp - Hurry up!
vocalize PlayerNiceJob - Great job!
vocalize PlayerWaitHere - Wait here!
vocalize PlayerAreaClear - Clean!
vocalize PlayerCoverMe - Cover me!
vocalize PlayerImWithYou - I'm with you!
vocalize PlayerAskReady - Ready?
vocalize PlayerLaugh - laughter
vocalize PlayerWarnCareful - Be careful.
vocalize PlayerNegative - Disagree.
vocalize PlayerNo - No.
vocalize PlayerSorry - Sorry.
vocalize Player Yes - Yes.
vocalize PlayerHurrah - Hooray!
vocalize PlayerThanks - Thank you.
vocalize PalyerDeath - hellish screams
, they all work properly. There are also warnings about the tank and the witch, but I don't remember them.
>I.e. if you're playing as Luis, "vocalize zoeywarntank04" won't work because it's tied to Zoey.
The problem is that I play Zoya, but the bind does not activate.
Is there a list of all binds?
here are the binds with a warning and those that are not here yet:
vocalize PlayerWarnTank - warning about a tank
vocalize PlayerWarnHunter - warning about a hunter
vocalize PlayerWarnSmoker - warning about a smoker
vocalize PlayerWarnBoomer - warning about a fat
man vocalize PlayerWarnWitch - warning about a witch
vocalize PlayerGroundPoundedByTank - screams emitted after the tank knocked down the survivor
vocalize WitchGettingAngry - warning not to touch the witch
>The problem is that I'm playing Zoe, but the bind is not activated.
There is a list of all binds
in the command itself, you do not need to write the name of the character, if for example you need the character to shout "Tank" then just write: bind (here is the key to activate it) "vocalize playerwarntank"
In general, I got a warning about the tank and put a scream. It was necessary to capitalize, as Veigr pointed out.
Now let me explain what I originally wanted.
I often heard not only phrases like "tank", "help, I'm going to break loose." But also specific ones, like, for example, Francis's phrase "I hate trucks." The phrase was repeated for a minute, which meant that people had bound it.
So, I was also pleased with some certain phrases from Zoya, I wonder how they bind. And yet, how to make a cry, for example, which is when falling or how to put a certain cry (not random out of 10)?
As far as I remember, that person was binding the phrase about Beal's beard. For example, in the same place, in the elevator, Zoy gives out the phrase Generic26, but it did not work out to bind it.
I've been digging around on other forums and this is what I found:
vocalize ScenarioJoin
vocalize smartlook
vocalize PlayerLook
vocalize PlayerMoveOn
vocalize PlayerFollowMe
vocalize PlayerThisWay
vocalize PlayerLeadOn
vocalize PlayerNiceJob
PlayerHurrah vocalize PlayerTaunt vocalize
PlayerAreaClear vocalize PlayerCoverCare vocalize PlayerAskReady vocalize PlayerAskReady vocalize PlayerLaugh vocalize Player vocalize PlayerSorry vocalize PlayerNegative vocalize PlayerNo
vocalize PlayerYes
vocalize RespondAffirmative
vocalize PlayerStayTogether
vocalize PlayerLookOut
vocalize PlayerWatchOutBehind
vocalize PlayerNiceShot vocalize
PlayerFriendlyFire vocalize
PlayerFriendlyFireInflictor vocalize
AskForHealth2 vocalize
HealedByFriend vocalize
PlayerHealingOther vocalize
PlayerHealing vocalize
PlayerLockTheDoorCheckPoint vocalize
vocalize PlayerGoingToDie
vocalize ThrewGrenade
vocalize CallForRescue
vocalize PlayerHelp
vocalize SurvivorWasPounced
vocalize PlayerWarnBoomer
vocalize PlayerWarnWitch
vocalize PlayerWarnTank
vocalize PlayerWarnSmoker
vocalize PlayerWarnHunter
vocalize PlayerWarnMegaMob
vocalize PlayerIncoming
vocalize PlayerYouAreWelcome
vocalize PlayerVomitInFace
vocalize PlayerTonguePullStart vocalize
PlayerGrabbedByTongue vocalize
PlayerChoke vocalize
vocalize WitchGettingAngry
vocalize PlayerKillThatLight
vocalize PlayerNearFinale
vocalize EmphaticArriveRun
vocalize PlayerAnswerLostCall
vocalize ResponseSoftDispleasureSwear
vocalize PanicEvent
vocalize EatPills
vocalize PlayerAlertGiveItem
vocalize PlayerLedgeHangStart
vocalize PlayerLedgeHangMiddle
vocalize PlayerLedgeHangEnd
vocalize PlayerLedgeSave
vocalize PlayerLedgeSaveCritical
vocalize playerdeath
vocalize PlayerIncapacitated
vocalize PlayerReviveFriend
vocalize PlayerReviveFriendCritical
vocalize ReviveFriendDown
vocalize GettingRevived
vocalize ReviveMeInterrupted
vocalize PlayerSpotPills
vocalize PlayerSpotFirstAid
vocalize PlayerSpotAmmo
vocalize PlayerSpotPistol
vocalize PlayerSpotSMG
vocalize PlayerSpotOtherWeapon
vocalize SurvivorBotNoteHumanAttention
vocalize SurvivorBotYesReady
vocalize SurvivorBotReassureNearby
vocalize SurvivorBotReassureComing
vocalize SurvivorBotYouAreWelcome
vocalize introHospital
vocalize introSmallTown
vocalize introAirport
vocalize introFarm
vocalize RiversideIsDead
vocalize RiversideIsDeadPlan
vocalize DontBeAnAss
vocalize hospital04_path01a (I've smelled worse)
vocalize farm05_path07b (Settle down Francis. Just use that radio. They'll come)
vocalize hospital23_path08 !/Oh hey, that is uncalled for!)
vocalize hospital05_path01a (If he ain't, at least we'll die with a nice view of the city)
vocalize smalltown04_path05a (I'm comin' Bill. Keep yer beard on)
vocalize smalltown02_path01a (How the hell do you know *that*?)
vocalize smalltown02_path01c (Know what? I just realized I don't care. Lead on)
vocalize smalltown02_path07a ( )
vocalize introHospital02 (I hate subways)
vocalize smalltown05_path03a (I hate water)
vocalize airport04_vana (I hate vans)
vocalize introAirport01bc (I hate planes)
vocalize AynRandResponse (I hate Ayn Rand)
vocalize EmphaticArriveRunFarm
vocalize VampiresBeatb
vocalize TakeShotgunGroovyZoey2Biker
vocalize TakeShotgunGroovy2BikerLaugh
vocalize hospital04_path02a (It's good for you Bill, cardio!/Stairs are a good workout)
vocalize hospital05_path01b (Works for me)
vocalize airportNo4_0
vocalize smalltown04_path07a (If you ignore the crazy guy and the zombies, nice town)
vocalize smalltown02_path01b (Interesting true story. In 1975, the local township - [gets cut off])
vocalize farm03_path01a (Stay positive, guys! I got a good feeling about this)
vocalize VampiresBeata
vocalize TakeShotgunGroovyLouis
vocalize BounceReaction
vocalize TakeShotgunGroovyZoey
vocalize LaughFrancis
vocalize PathClearVan
vocalize airport03_barriera
vocalize airport04_08b
©fingal Have
n't tested them myself.
Addition to the above written:
vocalize airport04_08b - Nevermind
Vocalize EmphaticArriveRunFarm - I love the army!/Let's get out of here!
vocalize airport03_barriera - Let's start a fire
vocalize TakeShotgunGroovyZoey - A short chuckle at Francis, to which he replies "What's so funny, this is beautiful"
vocalize airport04_08b - You're kidding, really
vocalize VampiresBeata - They're not vampires, they're zombies (to which Francis replies "Call these freaks whatever you want!"
Thank you very much for the information, but I would like to know a few more commands.
Sometimes you can hear how the characters whistle all sorts of melodies, what command can this be bound with?
And the phrases that are pronounced when raising the weapon (oh what a big gun!)
A difficult question, of course...
take a look here
I think it's not difficult to understand this table.
vocalize SurvivorVocalizeGoingToDieAlone - song
And no one knows which teams are responsible for Bill's phrases in the elevator of the first campaign in the fourth chapter like "Even in the war, I'm not used to this ..." and "And you call this the apocalypse? ..."
Update: question removed, this "vocalize elevator_conversation" command...
please help me in survival mode I create any map I play and zombies can’t climb over the fence (any) I have a pirated patch with the latest build and I also wanted to ask what the hell zombies are just lying around and moving like that who will answer I will be very grateful
Vocalize is a console command that, when entered, allows your character to speak certain phrases in Left 4 Dead.
In order not to enter these commands every time, you can assign them to specific keyboard keys. This is done by entering the bind "vocalize" command into the console. For example, typing bind v "vocalize PlayerYes" will cause your character to say "Ok" when you press the v key in game. In order not to enter commands every time you start the game, you can write the entire list of "binds" to the config.cfg configuration file, which you can find in the left4dead/cfg folder.
Below is a list of vocalize commands with decoding of phrases (keep in mind that there are several versions of voice messages recorded for each phrase, only the general meaning of the phrase from Bill's point of view is given here):
vocalize CallForRescue - "Help me out!"
vocalize EatPills - "Eat the pills!"
vocalize elevator_conversation - "Elevator conversation in the No Mercy - Hospital campaign". For example, Bill says the phrase "Even in the war, I'm not used to this. They stick and stick, there is no end in sight. What is this?"
vocalize EmphaticArriveRun - "Run!"
vocalize PlayerAlertGiveItem - "Take this!"
vocalize PlayerAreaClear - "Clear!"
vocalize PlayerAskReady - "Ready?"
vocalize PlayerChoke - ""
vocalize PlayerCoverMe - "Cover me!"
vocalize PlayerDeath - ""
vocalize PlayerFollowMe - "Follow me!"
vocalize PlayerHealing - "Wait, I'm healing!"
vocalize PlayerHealingOther - "Wait, I'll fly you!"
vocalize PlayerHelp - "Help!"
vocalize PlayerHurrah - "Great job!"
vocalize PlayerHurryUp - "Hurry up!"
vocalize PlayerImWithYou - "I'm with you!"
vocalize PlayerIncapacitated - "I'm hurt!"
vocalize PlayerIncoming - "There they are!"
vocalize PlayerKillThatLight - "Turn off the lantern!"
vocalize PlayerLaugh - ""
vocalize PlayerLeadOn - "Show me the way!"
vocalize PlayerLedgeHangEnd - "I can't resist, hurry!"
vocalize PlayerLedgeHangMiddle - "Give me a hand!"
vocalize PlayerLedgeSave - "I'll help you, come on, get out!"
vocalize PlayerLedgeSaveCritical - "I'll help you, but you're in trouble!"
vocalize PlayerLookOut - "Attention!"
vocalize PlayerMoveOn - "Move!"
vocalize PlayerNegative - "No"
vocalize PlayerNiceJob - "Good job!"
vocalize PlayerNiceShot - "Nice shot!"
vocalize PlayerNo - "No!"
vocalize PlayerReviveFriend - "Heal him!"
vocalize PlayerSorry - "Sorry!"
vocalize PlayerSpotAmmo - "Here ammo!"
vocalize PlayerSpotFirstAid - "First Aid is here!"
vocalize PlayerSpotGrenade - "There are grenades!"
vocalize PlayerSpotPill - "Here are the pills!"
vocalize PlayerStayTogether - "Stay Together!"
vocalize PlayerTaunt - ""
vocalize PlayerThanks - "Thank you!"
vocalize PlayerVomitInFace - "Shit! (when Fat Man throws up)"
vocalize PlayerWaitHere - "Wait here!"
vocalize PlayerWarnBoomer - "Fat Man!"
vocalize PlayerWarnCareful - "Careful!"
vocalize PlayerWarnHunter - "Hunter!"
vocalize PlayerWarnSmoker - "Smoker!"
vocalize PlayerWarnTank - "Tank!"
vocalize PlayerWarnWitch - "Witch!"
vocalize PlayerWatchOutBehind - "Behind!"
vocalize PlayerYes - "Understood!"
vocalize PlayerYouAreWelcome - "No problem!"
vocalize ResponseSoftDispleasureSwear - "I have a bad feeling!"
vocalize ReviveMeInterrupted - "Damn!"
vocalize ScenarioJoin - "Hi!"
vocalize smartlook - "Look!"
vocalize YouWelcome - "No way!"
vocalize PanicEvent - "Scream of Horror"
And I'm wondering what kind of voklayz when a player asks to share a first-aid kit with him?
vocalize ConceptBlock009 "Okay, let's see.
I'm Frenicis, this is Grandpa Bill, and there are a lot of zombies, open the door, quick!"
vocalize ConceptBlock023 "Police open up"
vocalize ConceptBlock040 "You know we'll make you open that door!"
vocalize ConceptBlock044 "Everyone but us are either zombies or complete bastards"
vocalize ConceptBlock049 "What?"
vocalize ConceptBlock517 "How are you? Got anyone?"
vocalize ConceptBlock527 "Attention boat owner! It's the police! I order you to pick us up"
vocalize ConceptBlock537 "We're ready"
vocalize ConceptBlock558 "A helpless old man is with us, help us"
vocalize ConceptBlock577 "Got anyone?"
vocalize ConceptBlock596 "Attention to the military, ahem ahem ahem, it's the police!"
vocalize ConceptBlock607 "And if only your beard turns, should I shoot?"
vocalize ConceptBlock624 "Hmm"
vocalize ConceptBlock627 (Francis) "What?" (To Louis) "It's a zombie, Francis!" (Francis) "Whatever you say, mister monster"
vocalize ConceptBlock629 "Yes, whatever you say, mister monster"
vocalize ConceptBlock632 "People always do what the cops tell them"
vocalize ConceptBlock633 "Trust me"
vocalize ConceptBlock635 "Look at life with optimism if you if you can't make it to the end, I'll still be fine"
vocalize ConceptBlock637 "Enough to know what you're saying fluently"
vocalize ConceptBlock709 "Frenicis reveals how much he hates"
vocalize ConceptBlock710 "Slightly shortened version of 709"
vocalize ConceptBlock712 "You know what I don't hate? Vests!"
vocalize ConceptBlock721 "Heh heh heh... Fuck off!"
vocalize ConceptBlock032 "Hey you freak, open the door for us Won't you open the door for us? Why?"
vocalize ConceptBlock035 "What?"
vocalize ConceptBlock037 "What a freak..."
vocalize ConceptBlock519 "Hello"
vocalize ConceptBlock538 "Let's go"
vocalize ConceptBlock620 "You're an optimist Louis, you can't take that away"
vocalize ConceptBlock643 "Oh... sorry"
vocalize ConceptBlock649 "Ha ha ha"
vocalize ConceptBlock654 "Hmm... Yes."
vocalize ConceptBlock657 Zoe starts a dialogue where Luis calls the team "The Invincibles"
vocalize ConceptBlock661 "(Zoe) laughing (Bill) Ho Ho Ho"
vocalize ConceptBlock662 "Shortened version of 657 (starts at 661)"
vocalize ConceptBlock025 "Son, we're immune, stop chasing and let us in"
vocalize ConceptBlock028 "That's disgusting I can't believe we're talking to a crazy idiot"
vocalize ConceptBlock051 "What?"
vocalize ConceptBlock515 "Ayy How are you"
vocalize ConceptBlock536 "Catch us, we're ready"
vocalize ConceptBlock592 "We're ready son We're ready soldier"
vocalize ConceptBlock608 "You should join the army, Francis. In a couple of years you'll be like silk"
vocalize ConceptBlock611 "We're at war against killing machines..." etc.
vocalize ConceptBlock639 "Peace on this planet will only come when I crush all these creatures with my bare hands"
vocalize ConceptBlock641 "Straight"
vocalize ConceptBlock648 "What is that"
vocalize ConceptBlock653 "WHISTLE"
vocalize ConceptBlock663 "Ho-ho-ho-ho!
vocalize ConceptBlock696 "It's a zoombie, Francis!"
vocalize ConceptBlock712 "What don't you hate, Francis?"
vocalize ConceptBlock715 "
vocalize ConceptBlock015 "Sir please we're not infected"
vocalize ConceptBlock017 "What?"
vocalize ConceptBlock019 "Listen, if either of us dies, I will personally beat you to death with the handle of a gun!"
vocalize ConceptBlock521 "Who the hell?"
vocalize ConceptBlock539 "We're ready to move out"
vocalize ConceptBlock594 "We're ready ser, move out any time you want We're ready anytime"
vocalize ConceptBlock610 "Civilization seems to be going back, you'll see (then Bill continues)"
vocalize ConceptBlock619 "Civilization seems to be going back back, you'll see (then Zoya continues)"
vocalize ConceptBlock626
vocalize ConceptBlock628 "It's a zoombie Francis!"
vocalize ConceptBlock631 "What? (Francis) People always do what the cops tell them, trust me"
vocalize ConceptBlock640 "That's what I said, (Bill) Straightforward"
vocalize ConceptBlock645 "I won't die that easy. Death won't take me"
vocalize ConceptBlock650 " Ehehehe"
vocalize ConceptBlock652 "Whistle, (Zoya) Mdaa"
vocalize ConceptBlock656 "Come on, have fun, we're almost there"
vocalize ConceptBlock659 "That's right, we need to call ourselves Invincible, nothing will stop us! Hear? Nothing and no one!"
vocalize ConceptBlock717 "Yeah I'm as cool as anyone.. uhaaa!"