How to disassemble a thing? (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
I need to dismantle the ghost dust in order to get the crushed monster flesh. Already tried everything, it doesn't work. I don't understand how to take things apart. Explain everything step by step, what buttons to press there and all that.Come to any blacksmith, he will be able to disassemble almost any thing, but, of course, not for nothing.
The blacksmith has this dust burning red. He can't interact with her at all. The thing is, I don't even know how to take the sword apart. I can't find any buttons.
Red because you trade with it, not take things apart. For the disassembly menu, you need to click on the menu selection arrows that are located at the top of the screen.
Guys, how to call a roach?? Boys, how to craft weapons, boys, how to brew potions, boys, how to fulfill witcher orders ??? (I'm too lazy to think and try myself)
and you don’t have to skip the training, the developers have laid out everything clearly point by point.
From a jug of water, an artisan makes .... just a jug. Yes, there is no way to do without a couple of years of training. :)