Underbarrel grenade launcher pirate! (Escape from Tarkov)
When did the grenade launcher disappear?deep1tone
By the way, not only in this mod. I also saw someone for sale. I don't have this mod. And this is no longer the grenade launcher itself. Yes. based on it, but as I understand it, this is an independent product.
Yes, this is an independent grenade launcher, the author seems to have written
Sanya 21 wrote:
did the grenade launcher disappear?
=))) and I have not seen a grenade launcher for a long time. the last time somewhere in versions 2.2. * came across.
No, I have a version v0. that is one-time, a couple of times one of the sellers it lit up, and then disappeared.
Sanya 21
Sanya 21 wrote:
No, I have version v0.
And I have the exact same version. There can be something that would appear at the sellers, the sellers have a limited assortment prescribed by BSG. Only the buyer changes the assortment, assemblies appear, etc., etc. But here I didn’t notice a grenade launcher on him, and he’s not on the flea market either, it looks like he’s been cut out for the time being. I somehow tried to shoot with him, but I didn’t figure out how =)
deep1tone wrote:
Yes, this is an independent grenade launcher, the author seems to have written
the title of the topic about the grenade launcher :-)
Sanya 21 wrote:
then why did they leave the grenades?
Possibly a vision for the future?
By the way, it is interesting that in the profile in skills there is both a Launcher and an AttachedLauncher.
So it is quite possible that they will be implemented. Sometime:-)
Yes, he was, but I remember that the barrel did not shoot, I once asked the question, how to shoot from it?
I would also like to know how to shoot with a grenade launcher, I did not find the buttons for this in the settings. apparently not implemented.
So now there is no grenade launcher as an element of weapon modification. There is a grenade launcher at its base as a separate weapon. And apparently it is necessary to shoot from it like from other weapons. I'll have to try it :-) I have it on sale.
In general, I sweated a little:
Shoot like a conventional weapon. True, I tried at a short distance.
MILKOR M32A1 MSGL 1.0.1-- this is a grenade launcher =))
It became available in the last big game update. But for this update, there is no corresponding AQI yet. And after the downgrade patch, alas, there are no new features. That's why you have to use mods. Also Zhe36 from the latest update has already appeared in the form of a mod from Sam.