Damage reduced by % (Diablo 2)
Li on Rabotaet pri, Elem i Magik dmg. I kakoi porog u etoi ability? primer - Ressis (bez + max ress) porog = 75%.http://www.diablowiki.com/Damage_Reduction_%28Diablo_II%29
eshe est Areat Summit , tam tozhe upomenaetsa o 50% fiz imuna. Hotelos bi uvidet otvet na vopros svoi ot Modera PG , tak kak na kazhdom servere svoi pravila.
Ng limit 50др% no, and the one that is above 50 is not working exactly as it should, afair.
To summarize: up to 50% inclusive of the PD work as expected, after 50% physical resistance also increases but much more slowly. That is, 75% DR is, for example, the real 60% physical resist, but 49% of DR is equal to real 49% physical resist. The number of head OFC, I'm not doing measurements, the exact dependence is unknown to me after 50.
Episcop_moo [return]
somewhere, someone, for some reason, tested this. There were pictures and a schedule of some sort, somewhere saw.
plus Avante, toruma and Ebisu.
somewhere, someone, for some reason were testing this thing
DELETEEND, it was a hangover. the phrase reason sounds strange in this forum. :)
Hotelos bi uvidet otvet na vopros svoi ot Modera PG
ionika26, man, it is better to tune that response either will not, or will not be soon.
for what? what is the maximum effect ?
actually, judging by the schedule, I don't know how he is correct. the maximum efficiency of the ratio of the PD to a real reduction is achieved in the area of ~10-20%.
in PVM enough Saki and SS if you really need.
58 GM in pvp kind of deal.
want you're tripping - score high as you can, but not 100% anyway.
well, I'm 120 % ) so I think all my others works, or you can remove half the benefit of a damage on the mobs)
can someone come in handy.
then there's the truth about 1.11 and less version.
at 1.13 is not found.
all. Not only that - sometimes it works linearly, the other at 120%.