What are question marks?
What are the question marks under my employees in the lists?I have a dude who cannot be redistributed or fired and he has a question mark, tell me please!)))))
In short, there are side missions to rescue hostages, employees (etc.). Until you pass these side effects, your people will have a question mark.
I guess Kojima wanted to show that your people are also doing useful work, and not just chilling at the base. Let's say intelligence officers are captured while extracting information in a foreign area (Afghanistan/Africa). Well, something like this.
supposedly these are my dudes who are currently not at the base due to the fact that they were captured or are they simply absent from the base?
and if saving these dudes one of them is killed, I will have to say goodbye to the employee or I will be able to replay
I don't even know, but in fact if they kill you, you'll have to say goodbye. I didn't have one to kill, so I can't say.
I figured out that if during the rescue of your employees they are killed, then you can start the mission (rescue) from the last checkpoint, that is, they were killed and you immediately start from the last checkpoint. This is in order not to lose an employee. I hope you understood me.