What is a horse for?
I get it, it's a dumb question. But what is the horse for? How does it work? Is it possible to lose it and how to "park" it in some places?Nick3331
You messed with RDR. It is not needed for anything but to travel
. She does not work, does not eat, does not sleep and does not poop. But he can climb mountains.
You don’t need to park, she will get lost herself, in the spring, during the mating season.
the card is small, so the horse is not needed from the word at all. Its only use, as noted by the comrade above, is to climb the mountains in places where the GG cannot climb.
If you play with mods, then an ordinary climbing horse (as already written above) can become a convenient self-propelled
with legs
in fact: a riding horse becomes a pack horse.
There are many similar mods for both LE and SE versions of the game. The latter work without problems under AE. Somehow I came across a mod that makes your horse not only with a trunk and a glove compartment, but also equipped with a sleeping bag. Those. you can climb any mountain, pull out a sleeping bag and spend the night.
The load capacity in some mods could be chosen during installation - from several tens of kg, to the load capacity of a real French percheron.