Forum Rewards
Hi all. If you receive a reward on this site, then it disappears?) For there were 2-3 awards, for example "For cheats" and then removed, the same trouble, for example, added an account and so onAnd in the form of a table can not be done, as in the previous one? By the way, then delete the previous message on that forum or make something like it - ''Hall of Fame'' (refers to old awards, or rather its appearance).
And in the form of a table can not be done, as in the previous one?
No, they cut everything.
then remove or make it look like - ''Hall of Fame''
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- Cup (selected or competitions. Year)
- Medal (very active users or competitions. Year)
- Turd (true assholes. Year)
The term of awards that are issued manually is determined by the moderator ... (=
N - naive .