About the Wild Hunt... (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
"The Wild Hunt is a projection of an elven troop of riders in elaborately forged and stylized skull and bone armor.""The king is an elf of flesh and blood, who appears in this world as a projection, in the form of an immortal ghostly reaper, personifying death itself."
From the above, we can conclude that the horsemen are immortal projections (what is flesh and blood is not so important)
So, why then was Geralt able to kill the general of the Wild Hunt with the sword?
They are like ghosts, immortal.
, perhaps, because why could he kill the noon, famously at the well and other creatures? He is still a fighter against evil spirits, and there is a sword made of silver (which all evil spirits do not like). I think this is logical - if the enemy is a ghost, then he can be killed.
I also wondered why in all boss battles he uses a silver sword, although they are not mutants, but just elves in disguise
at least one answered correctly)
By the way, is there Wild Hunt armor in the game?
He got into his world. As I understand it, we are talking about the first part of the game, when at the end after ... I forgot the name, in the snowy mountains, after killing him, the Wild Hunt came out, and you choose whether to extinguish it or not.
elves. But elves from other worlds can be evil spirits from the same world. Maybe the silver blade works especially not because evil spirits are monsters, but because it somehow affects damage to creatures from another world. the sorcerers called upon the conjugation of the spheres; this further they grew and multiplied, populating the world of the witcher.
I read somewhere that after pairing the spheres, the elves lost the ability to jump around the worlds and devastate them. And, like, they need Elder Blood to continue this... It all doesn't fit in my head. If they can jump into other worlds in a corporeal form, then why the hell are they Ciri? Just because of time?
before pairing, there was no magic in the world of the witcher.
According to elves and humans too
God, it's not even funny anymore. There are books, primary source. The Wild Hunt is a troop of elf riders from another world led by Eredin.
Read and do not create more stupid topics.
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