Minefields (Mad Max)
Guys, need help. Can't find 3 of a minefield. One in the Fortress of Brochures and 2 on the field area to the right of the Fortress. Almost all roads traveled, but the dog even climbs out of the booth. Please tell me.Help please, on the territory of jita in a black womb can't find mine field, when the dog barked, now completely stopped?
When he barked mine just do not show
The dog barks and on the water note, and the fields to find a relatively simple - ride on black smoke from blown up cars - there is one on each minefield.
The first minefield in a black womb if I'm not mistaken, there where the dude asks to finish it, the second exactly opposite on the other end of this location look
WELL described-pernapasan! Are you a training mission with the dog and buggy passed? All because they chewed!
Can't find the latest minefield from jita in the dry wind. In one place the dog barks and howls like mines, but they are not, are not displayed. What to do because this is not meant to clear the area.
See here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=512334362
And I just have jita a couple of times drove the buggy with the dog. But I don't like the buggy ride. No protection from weapons single shotgun. Uchityvayut these colorful suckers. Went to the clearance on the Masterpiece. Space mining and the Tinman finds a good. And then just ride in the hope of undermining. When a mine is triggered, there is still a whole 5 seconds to come out and give the Tinsmith to repair the car. Only one minus - time is spent in some fields very much on clearance. But Oh well, just ride type.))
I dog paddle in the wrong place once razgavkalas. Thought zabielas Mina, not shown. Hovered there for 10 minutes and it's in the trunk circles reeling, if a mine should be beneath me, but it was empty. Decided later to come, while the other 2 found. After just 5 minutes back from the other mines of the field and this shit barks elsewhere, and that does not react, I do the game did not go. Although the theme and the dead with 2017, but if people read it, you know - the dog nebuka!
Faced such a garbage on the territory of Frytura, there is one minefield, one of the 3 minutes was not where the dog barked, I just drove off to the post on the right near the border on the Dunes, came back, the dog started barking in another place. So if anyone has a problem with mines, just go somewhere else and come back.