Records in "Kosynka"
We write our statistics from the game "Klondike".
Record: 7280
Games played: 225
Won: 96
Winning percentage: 42%
best score: 99999 (artmanka works!)
games: 614 (this is no longer artmanka)
won: 305 (also not artmanka)
winning percentage: 49% (and this is not artmanka)
Record - 7062
Games played: 201
won: 60
Percentage of wins: 29%
I play when I'm really bored or the Internet knocks out, it used to be interesting)
Yes, who didn’t play kerchief)
Record - 5073
Games played: 320
won: 87
Winning percentage: 27%
Yes, I would never have thought of artmanizing a scarf. Well, maybe a spider...
How )))
Record - 8549 12/12/2014
Games played: 1340
Won: 512
Percentage of wins: 38%