REFramework running on a pirate PC
I understood that REFramework cannot be made to work on the pirate version? Without dinput8 file the game works, but REFramework doesn't work and with it the game minimizes to tray after 10 seconds and displays only in task manager...
I can't get it to work.
that's it, the topic can be closed found on the forums edited phramework, everything works, thank you all.
You can, you just have to put this one in:
I do not work, although it appears in the game, no freakam or vignette, does not work, pirate.
Some of the features don't work either (I guess this is the hacked version, but it's old and doesn't work for re4)
.What is it, just yesterday this dll worked with bypass integration, so excited about the menu, today I wanted to play, all, again crashes even for a second without opening the game in contrast to the original framework which reached the logo, the only thing that has changed now opens crashreport. I don't know what's wrong, but besides changing the FOV to 140 nothing else had time to touch (by the way exhibited FOV still works and without framework). cure crash and still could not. eh, sadness