Question about the Yomsvikings
Say, the captain of the Yomsvikings, who is the captain on the drakkar that raids, along with Avor. He has the equipment when you put on (and then you can change it at any time), also the weapons, including the bow. It's all just the externals, or will the bonuses, runes, as in the main character? Also, does the quality and level of pumping armor and weapons or I'll say it again - it's stupid extras? Or is he not killable (commander), compared to other jomsvikings (which you can lose in battle if you don't raise them with provisions). Does it matter what he's wearing and what kind of weapon, on the commander, what quality, with what bonuses and level of pumping? Besides appearance, does he enjoy armor bonuses, weapons, and how does quality, level of pumping (initial, full, or not fully pumped), and runes affect him?
It's a dumb exterior. And it's perfectly killable, just like the others. But death only lasts until the end of the raid. By the next raid, all the dead will be alive.
I see, thank you. Because I was thinking that the captain will have to pierce everything to gold (armor, bow and weapons), plus pump as myself to the limit, plus runes to insert, etc. Although, yes, there because it does not display characteristics, bonuses, etc., not in the weapons, not in the bow, not in the armor. Just the appearance and color quality. And about killing - strange, but I certainly have no one kachen yet (1 level at Yomsvikingov), but that simple fell (and died when I did not have time to raise them or nothing was - without supplies), well, it is understandable that the initial level, and the captain neither once, nor fell and did not die. He is sturdier than the ordinary in the team, in the river raids like.
It's strange that the characteristics of the captain's equipment, bonuses will not. I thought it made sense to swing the bow, weapons and armor for gold, then up to the limit and give it all to him, that at full swing he will hit harder, stronger on armor, etc. And, that the bonuses will work, such as arson, poison, stronger crits, powerful hits, attacks, damage in ranged and melee etc. And there's a dumb externality.
No, what's the point of it - equipment changes, weapons, too, and it's - a stupid exterior, without the characteristics, level, leveling and runes, as the main Persian.