DLC not activated
I downloaded the pirate version of resident, but after an hour of playing I noticed one thing (and I'm not the only one so) With all the DLC in the folder, the game only has a couple of cases and jewelry. No skins for the character, no gun and a shotgun and tickets. Has anyone encountered this and how was it solved?
You need CrackFix to make all DLCs work
Archive with 11 more "Weapon Exclusive Upgrade Ticket" add-ons (from x.X.RIDDICK.X.x) for exclusive weapon upgrades, + CrackFix from EMPRESS.
I have everything without any crackfixes.
That's not why the crackfix was released at all
Crackfix fixes the bugs as well as adds ticketing, empress said thanks to someone out there for adding this dlc with ticketing.
But since you don't have weapon acceptance, it's most likely a repack problem. Put another one. Not for the sake of advertising, but what I have. Ramses portable + crackfix. All dlk in place, the game has been passed several times.
that's what I'm saying, he has a clear problem with the repack
whoever built it didn't activate all the dlc's