I cannot connect to other (7 Days To Die)
people, the problem may be stupid, but my friend can not play the incentive, I create the game, and each is connected at boot time crashes to the menu without any inscriptions, and the same thing when it try to connect me. the integrity of the files checked, the crack is not present, the server comesPut both the crack and it will work. in the library of the incentive because of the game and right click there will be scale community seek Softonic. Tested works
And how trying to adhere to each other: through steam or through options in the game itself? Check the similarity by the number of versions.
And through steam and the game tried to go, the versions are identical
I'm with a friend through the game conectica: in main menu, join game\friend (tab on top with a group of men), where the server is displayed, if a friend is online and in the game. Of course, check the configuration of the world, access, number of players. Playing through a password.
All checked, all OK, tried with password and without. If it was that easy I would not ask the question on the forum, as all known issues is on the Internet, and I certainly have been read. At first I was hoping that with some new patch this problem will disappear, but no. A year has passed, and we are still together and not played, and no new possible solution not found
And in case anyone of you router? This is one of the problem faced in contagion, friend couldn't open the ports for the game, so overlap only on the shared servers. You can try to skonnektitsya and figure out if you want (then in a personal to your steam-ACC throw). Honestly, after the last February update Koop is also not checked.
Indeed, I have a router (the other most likely too), but there are ways to open this port?
I apologize for the time spent, but it seems my friend for a year lost the desire to play this game, and since he was the only one with whom I could play, it is possible to consider the matter closed