Break the progress research (Frostpunk)
Well, cheaters, broke? Resources is easy, but the progress of research... If anyone knows - share. On the forum there is a CE table, but it is only three random resource. Resources are broken into 4 bytes :)Artem Pavlutsky
With the help of Cheat Engine. Or do you all paint necessary? :)
Misha Mishin
Antik too long can do. He is enough. Yes, there is CE resources easily broken. It would be interesting to research.
Steam kernel is also 4 bytes written? And their method of trial and error to break a luxury.
In short, guys, there is a table on the CE forum user ArmY of 0n3, which one click adds 9999 of each resource. But there is a first problem that breaks the first quest because of the large number of resources. My game crashed because of coal, someone for rations. He advises to write in the script is not 9999, and 100.
This script is forum SE
With regard to conventional resources hacking using CE, then all is simple: 1. Start the game and, of course, begin to play. 2. Run CE, select the process in the process list (icon of a computer with a magnifying glass) of the game. 3. Distribute all the oppressed in places of work and watch the resources begin to drip. 4. Take a pause in the game, the memorized value, for example, coal 18 - is driven in the CE value of 18 and press pause. By sifting you will have 2 addresses that change. As for coal, it may 7 appear replaceable. We recommend not to use more than accommodates warehouse errors can occur.
To hack resources in the game, the meaning of which is in management of resources. Never cease to wonder at the logic of cheaters
Native, that's why write it ? If the crack, then see sense and catch fun...
I, for example, was first without cheating,but some moments of the game were closed(such as technology or could not get to places to explore) due to the banal necessity(for me). Now with the cheats looked at what was there.
I first go through the game normally a couple of times to sensations of to. That is, play, and then after this study. Break and so, and that, twirl in different directions to see what if... I do with all games. And in prestance just love to build a city, in the endless mode especially. Residents must oherevayut since the number of squares. we nájera captain ygnacio architect! speak to each other