Download infinite save...
Help. I have now appeared in infinite loading save. Before I played, but then the video card warmed up, had to restart comp. What to do with infinite load save?I found a solution to the problem of endless booting from solstheim to Skyrim,
in the console write coc qasmoke then coc riverwood. and you in Skyrim)
Me such garbage. Is not saved. Even automatic sopranos no. Already tried to pereustanovit wrong. What to do?
Dr. What does
I have the save folder in the game folder is not present What to do??
Saves are not in the game folder and in My documents/ My Games/Skyrim/Saves.
Vlad Laguta
Even though you wrote it almost 4 years ago,but all the same answer.You're the only one who helped,thank you,I already s***alsya to seek a solution to this problem.Any manipulations with downloads,with mods,only write where does this problem that will,if not addressed,why it is formed,only you gave a straight and clear answer,I kick it's good
He figured with the problem of eternal loading . remove Skyrim High Resolution Texture Pack for the licensed version helped me .
Hello. Help solve the problem: after formatting the drive and installing Skyrim again, when you try to load old saves to The savegame cannot be loaded because it is outdated. Its version is 0 and the current version is 9. Version (Repack) the game is the same as it was (pirates of the Phoenix), with carts get down, bak was removed, nothing helps. Saves were restored after complete removal, maybe it somehow affected?..