Voice from 8bit (Diablo 2)
Hello people,has long been looking for a voice from 8bit and something I would enjoy,or can anyone have in the bins and he to share with me?P. s Here is a video of voice from 8bit
I think it's 8bit but I'm not sure
it is not written
how to distinguish?
if there's only 1-4 acts
firkax wrote:
if there's only 1-4 acts
Firka the secret is revealed - he's only in Lod 1-4 acts! So that's how he carries wigs without any problems!
ghid ropley)
announced just kvestiki?( where's JESS from Akari when she was just a poke ( or a hood that si u again from ghida quests.. when I listen to that will ? if they greet every time they click on Russian, I would put pure sounds..
special for Yu can gash Russ the voice type of the draw che Nada at Akari and the Arbus Swazi pokupai from the guide.
the sounds of mobs http://firk.cantconnect.ru/d2/other/rus/d2sfx.mpq
story talk http://firk.cantconnect.ru/d2/other/rus/d2speech.mpq
videos http://firk.cantconnect.ru/d2/other/rus/d2video.mpq
it is necessary to replace these files with those that are in the folder of D2 and the voice of the first four acts rusifitsiruetsya
5 act I do not (there d2xvideo.mpq and d2xtalk.mpq)