Invulnerability (Moscow to Berlin)
at the root of the game is the Local Settings.setting. Store separately,create a new one in the root of the game with Notepad and write in it:debug\drawsectors = num 0
debug\i18ndebug = num 0
debug\krumplinudli = num 1
debug\levelbackground = num 1
editor\objectlistdialogs\entities\/root = num 1
editor\objectlistdialogs\entity bases\/root = num 1
editor\objectlistdialogs\general list editor\/root = num 1
editor\objectlistdialogs\settings\/root = num 1
editor\objectlistdialogs\settings\/root editor = num 1
editor\propertywindows\bases\colsizex = num 3195
editor\propertywindows\bases\colsizey = num 255
editor\propertywindows\bases\colsizez = num 2505
editor\propertywindows\bases\id = str Bases
editor\propertywindows\bases\posx = num 90
editor\propertywindows\bases\posy = num 90
editor\propertywindows\bases\sizex = num 865
editor\propertywindows\bases\sizey = 768 num
editor\propertywindows\entities\colsizex = num 3855
editor\propertywindows\entities\colsizey = num 255
editor\propertywindows\entities\colsizez = num 2505
editor\propertywindows\entities\id = str Entities
editor\propertywindows\entities\posx = num 110
editor\propertywindows\entities\posy = num 110
editor\propertywindows\entities\sizex = num 721
editor\propertywindows\entities\sizey = num 745
editor\propertywindows\entity bases\colsizex = num 1995
editor\propertywindows\entity bases\colsizey = num 255
editor\propertywindows\entity bases\colsizez = num 2505
editor\propertywindows\entity bases\id = str Entity Bases
editor\propertywindows\entity bases\posx = num 110
editor\propertywindows\entity bases\posy = num 110
editor\propertywindows\entity bases\sizex = num 704
editor\propertywindows\entity bases\sizey = num 712
editor\propertywindows\general list editor\colsizex = num 1995
editor\propertywindows\general list editor\colsizey = num 255
editor\propertywindows\general list editor\colsizez = num 2505
editor\propertywindows\general list editor\id = str General List Editor
editor\propertywindows\general list editor\posx = num 90
editor\propertywindows\general list editor\posy = num 90
editor\propertywindows\general list editor\sizex = num 535
editor\propertywindows\general list editor\sizey = 500 num
editor\propertywindows\settings\colsizex = num 1995
editor\propertywindows\settings\colsizey = num 255
editor\propertywindows\settings\colsizez = num 2505
editor\propertywindows\settings\id = str Settings
editor\propertywindows\settings\posx = num 70
editor\propertywindows\settings\posy = num 70
editor\propertywindows\settings\sizex = num 300
editor\propertywindows\settings\sizey = 500 num
editor\propertywindows\world\colsizex = num 1995
editor\propertywindows\world\colsizey = num 255
editor\propertywindows\world\colsizez = num 2505
editor\propertywindows\world\id = str World
editor\propertywindows\world\posx = num 90
editor\propertywindows\world\posy = num 90
editor\propertywindows\world\sizex = num 300
editor\propertywindows\world\sizey = 500 num
editor\savescriptsetups = num 0
editor\savewarningdialog = num 1
editor\savewarningtime = num 300
editor\savewarningtimevisible = num 1
enable_splash = num 0
engine\gfx\enablebump = num 0
engine\gfx\enableglow = num 0
engine\gfx\enablerangelights = num 0
engine\gfx\enableshadow = num 0
engine\gfx\enableshadowmap = num 1
engine\gfx\usesswemulation = num 0
localisation\itemnotfoundtext = str Text not found! -
localisation\language = str Local/English
mp\desynccheck = num 1
mp\desyncfreq = num 1
mp num 0
multiplayer\gamename = stw 50006f006c0069007300680020006e0061006d006500
multiplayer\gspassword = stw
multiplayer\gsroomname = stw
multiplayer\password = stw 50006f0069007300680020004e0061006d006500
multiplayer\username = stw 50006f006c00690073006800200057006f00720064007300
preferences\hidewindowscursor = num 1
propertyeditor\backcolor = col 63,63,63,0
propertyeditor\backcolorbkg = col 27,27,27,0
propertyeditor\backcolorbkgdisabled = col 80,80,80,0
propertyeditor\backcolorfixed = col 55,47,43,0
propertyeditor\backcolorsel = col 245,219,149,0
propertyeditor\forecolor = col 240,240,240,0
propertyeditor\forecolordisabled = col 180,180,180,0
propertyeditor\forecolorfixed = col 240,240,240,0
propertyeditor\forecolorsel = col 0,0,0,0
propertyeditor\gridcolor = col 43,47,55,0
propertyeditor\treecolor = col 127,127,127,0
script\debugger\sortedtree = num 0
script\debugger\visible = num 0
script\debuglevel = num 0
script\sourcepath = str
sound\enabled = 1 to num
sound\latency = num 60
stub\gfx\fullscreen = num 1
stub\screensize\fullsizex = num 1024
stub\screensize\fullsizey = num 768
stub\screensize\sizex = 1024 num
stub\screensize\sizey = 768 num
stub\screensize\startx = num 13
stub\screensize\starty = num 36
stub\system\startappmode = num 0
stub\system\threadpriority = num 8
world\useoptimized = num 1
now the game has God mode and the regime of the Emperor
F2 Emperor Mode
F3 No Damage Mode
F4 Mode
CTRL + F = Fog of War Off
Also this option is suitable for other games in this series - D-Day" and"1944:Ardennes