Unique troubles with metro exodus (Metro Exodus)
Actually bought the game and after installing ran into two small issues that XS ka kresit...1) the Monitor I Acer al1917c format 5:4 resolution 1280 by 1024 the problem is that when setting any resolution in the game - when opening tabs, writing pads the text of these notebooks goes over the edge правой1 side of the screen approximately 3-4 cm of the text. FIC knows as,squeeze the image whatever text was normally visible (((
2) there are no traces of the bullets hit ANY surface (walls, objects, etc.) regardless of graphics settings in the game (on ultra-max which is very minimal) and other points in the graph,videos.
Google and the Internet there is no information on a similar problem, can who faced and managed to solve?
about 1 I'm sure that was optimizirovan the game on FullHD and above, You have a custom permission, write to Support, maybe a patch will fix it.
But traces of bullets, I myself have not seen, by the way.
Yes, at wrote - no response to any greeting. In General, how many myself I remember - communication with support typically the case of deaf and empty and you want to play ( by the Way what is interesting in the game the aspect ratio is normal and nothing behind the screen climbs. The problem is only with texts in notebooks...
Traces of bullets someone wrote me that there but most people with the game I write there 0_o what is Mystery, whether there are they or not. Like the gopher damn...
Try pressing left Alt+Enter, if possible throw a screen to better understand the problem, I have a monitor with that resolution if I find a solution I'll let you know
By the way, was known for trouble in Fallout 4 an unmapped lock picks for hacking and interface power Bronius. Also due to the fact that the screen is not shirokoformatnye. But there the problem was treated, though gemorno. And then the full plugging. And besides - in the game, unlike fallout no stocks with a screen size not found anywhere else.
As I understand it developed long ago ceased to bother with the configuration of the monitors, all doing large format, so the Outlook is clear under the replacement of
If anybody had this bug metal detector stops beeping after loading a save. In General, at the beginning of any level is working fine, but once you die or load - stops honking the horn until the beginning of the new level, any. Only arrow twitches and all.
In General, the problem with traces from bullets do decided to install Windows 10 and Dx 12 setting.
The problem with the text in notebooks is not solved apparently nothing except buying a new wide screen, what the fuck have...
The same things.
With the lack of bullet marks on dx11 it was a bug. In the latest patch fixed it.
On account of the format of the monitor, try to manually register the user.cfg has a different screen resolution
r_res_hor 1280
r_res_vert 1024
And if you change the aspect ratio, it is necessary to change the angle.
r_base_fov 60. (60 is for 16:9), to 5:4 should be around 75-78.
Playing on 1280*1024. In the user.cfg put r_base_fov 55. Of course shrunk a bit horizontally ,but playable.
Grandfather Mastday
So with the patch I have played, I have a license. Version Nifica traces. Came here just after turning on Dx 12
Grandfather Mastday
Yes, I also have 5:4 and a resolution of 1280 by 1024. In General, the way I have the feeling that changing in the config the resolution in the game nothing changes.
No, I have two Monica and 16:9 and 5:4. But the joint resolution is. For example, if I shirokoformatnye put the resolution in the game is not suitable for native aspect ratio, on idea the picture should be distorted(stretch out), but this is not happening. The feeling that the game automatically scales to any resolution under the wide screen.
here try this http://themetalmuncher.github.io/fov-calc/
in the user file.cfg change the default setting tariffs on r_base_fov 70=59
In General experimented with the FOV setting (in the config by the way is only for the vertical there is a point) the conclusion is that It does change but only in the game, the size of the Notepad for some reason not affected. Mystery, incredible but true.