The most dangerous enemies and methods of combating them (Elex)
Good evening.This topic is for those players who don't use AOE stun weapons.
First, write a list of the most dangerous opponents:
1. Chimera\Lycan (The Nocera)
2. Moloch
3. Crocware\bog\the Ripper (spider)
4. Cyclops\Troll
5. Slinear\Cartridge
6. Mutant\Wanderer\Nilofar
7. Lisezmoi\Sex\Kaneshie
1. Chimera\Lycan is Extremely dangerous opponents in close combat. On the course, can use ranged attack. The main thing - do not think to engage them in melee, in PVP 1-1. You can fight only in the presence of a partner or Overfarm. On the Ultra difficulty - not very pleasant opponent. Has a quick spurt, after which gives a full 3 blow with his paw. The enemy is subtle, but the high complexity of weakly breaks ranged attacks. In miles humiliates. Starlicide well. If you fight in a miles 1-1, then be sure to break your distance, make him make a leap, after which you can kick him in the face with a series of all endurance. But you have to understand that 1-2 punch with his paw he'll put. Will Kititsa the distance, is killed by the ranged weapons. +The Venice - like mob, but weaker, less durable and less powerful strikes. PY Sy: These mobs very often does, which adds complexity in the melee
2. Moloch is a Very tough melee fighter. In the ultra is capable of breaking farts any milesnick. But this mob has one problem - lack of proper ranged attacks. In the melee a 1-1 fight, don't recommend the high complexity of the if with a partner it is possible. Starlicide bad, but embossed endurance stunlock extended. The solution to the problems with it - ispolzovanie range weapons. Will be a long, but true.
3. Crocware\bog\the Ripper (spider) mobs extremely fast beat. But have no breakthrough. Stylecode good (except cookware), well kitada. Kill from a distance. Due to the lack of a breakthrough can not quickly reduce the distance, but at the same time, are themselves nimble enough (but slower Chimeras\Likana). The main problem - melee - very fast series of blows, and easily knocks the GG series their kicks. Forehead is better not to beat. Bred by strikes, go in the back\side and begin to beat. The main thing is to inflict as much damage as possible. The faster you kill them the more of a chance to survive. To easy to kill with ranged attacks, but they have a ranged attack.
If anyone is interested, will paint the rest of povodnom the key.
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The most disgusting is the biter. The bastard is so mean. Small bug so smelly. Me with a Troll in some sense easier to handle than kusaka kucukodabasi chickens. That is not something that easier. But they are so I don't hate.
Enuard Aid wrote:
Chimera\Lycan (The Nocera)
I agree these are dangerous,can quickly jump,and the radius of the shock is large.
Enuard Aid wrote:
Enuard Aid wrote:
Enuard Aid wrote:
And these are pronounced in General as the grain you attack very slow,can be stupid to run around them,as only two strikes in a row made from a series of was prescribed with the rebound,kick with džetpaka, too sickly prescribes.
Enuard Aid wrote:
It is very easy to go in the back,the main time then shocks to go with parry.
Moloch nimble enough and runs fast. Attacks he's not too slow. Yes, faster. than the Cyclops\Trol, but slower than Lycan\Chimera. The problem is that any propuschennyj shock - vansat. Or almost any.
How I suffered in the Mountain Troll, Trev 25 left. to kill. In the ultra combo and heavy. The standard is simple, but on ultra you need to shred for a long time. Because complexity is one mistake a body.
Trolled only 1 attack its not vasotec the rest fanshot. With cartridge and Slidefrom simpler, there are literally 1-2 attack vanscott. The Cyclops practically all attacks fanshot. And the depth of Troll and Cyclops - wow, no combos and powerful kicks for a long time to kill.
And Yes, because those guys did not write the enemy a simple kind of copy Midir from DS-3. It seems to be dangerous, seems to be and strikes a powerful and tenacious, but it can be rolled out and gives a large window for attacks.
And you try to win the battle against malesnica 2 Lycans\chimeras vs 2 Trolls. Against Lycans\Chimeras with malesnica battle 1в2 not win at all, but trolls can be ruscitti.
Muset biter about the same as at the Dinosaurs, kamnesia, listmay and sexa. if in the beginning of the game the little biter after appear big. But unlike insects, the attack is a great attack with twin strike and after the 3rd smash. But kusaka makes three consecutive jump, without avtozavodski.
Dangerous opponents in the game (for me and no one else could get) , have the most fat. Killed every monster in the starting pipe, the only difference is time spent.
Enuard Aid
Yes, they are not complicated. They just irritate me. Small and dirty. They are easy to kill, but be sure that little rotten-feathered'll bite. And the voice they have to the contrary. Although the Ripper no less.
To ultra video washed down, kill Cartridge primary pipe, or slizer. Without proof - is not true. even on the easy difficulty combat primary pipe does not break the Cartridge. Series of 5 strikes per minute at easy difficulty with a light combo from sword Horned, with a final powerful attack, endured a maximum of 5% of HP Cartridge. And given that the Difficulty increases armor, even powerful blows on the Cartridge must strive for 0 damage, or 1 unit of damage.