Launched application does not respond (Resident Evil 7)
when you install that sort of thing even interest the installation does not go,downloaded three different assemblies everywhere the same
Yes, I have installed it everything was fine,Windows installed and the other only to her,the new resident 2 installed without problems \
Kind of like(not exactly tell) the antivirus interferes with the installation, disable it during installation and everything, and if not an antivirus fault, then I don't know what else to say.
antivirus do not use,as it came across the fact that the PC name should not be on the Russian problem during unpacking and create a folder sohraneniya
Step 1)
My computer->Properties->computer Name (Edit Options)->Change (change the computer name and workgroup in English)->restart your PC.
Step 2)
Press Win+R in the window that appears, enter netplwiz and hit Enter->In a new window click on account and then on the button Properties->Enter the required data in English and press OK (See a window with three fields,the first is the name of your profile,second username and third description)->restart your PC.
P. S
If the problem with the rejection of the Cyrillic alphabet by the installer,it should be eliminated.
Tin Yes just steam version of the pump is unpacked and all ))) what's the problem ???