How to increase fps in The Crew? (The Crew)
Help,how to increase the fps of the game?Play with the laptop.Vidyuhi 640GTM.The minimum salary, with disabled shadows, and so on 34 fps and it rules,but when I stop in the woods then fps drops to 25-27....What to do?Maybe in the game files to look?Or there are programs that make the performance better,but the quality is worse?Using the nvidia control panel also tried, cut all that is possible on the advice of other people in order to achieve maximum performance but still fps drops(especially in the forest)(((Can processes any laptop overload?I kind of didn't notice.....Error-635GTM me.But the reviews I looked at averages is.What I have a problem???Not only uzhto because I have laptop????
in this game, the drawdown below 23 frame only gives a clear slomochn, 25 playable, but certainly not comfortable.
And no, you will not be able to increase fps, all because of a weak multimedia card.
I play on the laptop, vidyuhi GT 540M. Salt that is not vidyuhi not pull, and the processor. If you want to check it, there is a program PlayClaw, where you will be able to display indicators of FPS, graphics card, processor etc., well, then he will understand that you don't fit. Good luck ;)
if you have all that great work on 540м, why are the brakes on 580гтх?
He must have a minimum at the lowest resolution, because the GT 540M is not a gaming vidyuhi. Gaming - series GTX. What graphics settings do you 580я brakes?
of course at max), the smoothing affect for 4 of all, the 8 is not cool)
best answer Yes, percent is not suitable PTS((((But I am the way the debris was cleaned on the out e and voila-in the forests of the losses at 27 fps)))is Stable with))
Tried to run the game on Nvidia Gt aero 1030 itx DDR5 and the game worked for a minimal salary 16-25 fps . Is there a way either to increase fps
Push on the screen (during the game) monitoring system components using special programs (MSI Afterburner, etc). See CPU, video card (and VRAM), RAM, etc. and look that is loaded to the max is the weakest link. GT1030, in principle, not a gaming video card (usually budget igrovoi start with a GTX **50) - most likely business in it. If it is not loaded in the game to 100% - not enough CPU performance, the game is quite greedy in that respect. With a weak CPU, changing the graphics settings will not influence much object interaction in the game is calculated on the CPU (physical Havok engine). If performance rested in the video card and the graphics settings are on minimum - reduce the resolution in the game or thinking about replacement of components by more powerful ones.
Examples (played and shot the video myself):
1) Weak CPU and more powerful video card. Pay attention to CPU (CPU in the video) are almost always loaded more than 95%, sometimes up to 100%, i.e. performance rests in it.
Athlon II X4 640 + GTX 960
2) same graphics card, but a more powerful processor (the average) - are now increasingly rests in the video card (GPU), but CPU sometimes loaded greater than 95%, he's the frame rate slightly drops.
i5-4460 + GTX 960
3) same graphics card, but one of the top processors (socket 1150) - performance rests in limiting the frame rate in the game (60 fps), your CPU does not limit, the card will almost never loaded to 100%. Smoothing isn't set to the maximum (FXAA) - if to include on full, graphics card will take.
i7-4790K + GTX 960 (FXAA)
Example with maximum anti-aliasing - download graphics card (GPU) is kept at 100%, frame rate drops because of it. At the end of the video switch the antialiasing settings for comparison.
i7-4790K + GTX 960 (8x MSAA)