Error DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
I have a stupid error: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG and all(((Good day to all! If there is a rally this error, or any other, it means that perhaps the hardware does not cope with the load. Suggest to reduce all settings to minimum range of sketches, accelerators, turn off shadows, syns etc.. I Advise you to install the mod to disable rain if there is even such suggest programmers to write one for the simple below the poverty line are citizens of our Country. After all, the West which created this game probably has no such problems. And the developers took that into account. After all, good Christian, as they point out in this game should always care about others. And the middle no matter how those who needs help and care. But still thank them for the excellent work for which I never had even dream about. Patriotic heart waiting for the fashion for Russian princely scoring game. Indeed, many think it will be nice to hear words such as Lord, Prince, Princess, hero, etc.
So back to problem-solving. In modern times many people are switching to laptops, which are becoming more efficient and more productive. But all suffer the same cooling system. Although in my opinion nothing is easier to do it in the order above. Agree not very clever configuration. In Russian we would have solved this problem if created by such a technique. So do not forget about the connectors and the slots on the bottom of their vehicles to keep them freely available for entry of air and exit of hot. Otherwise you risk to burn your card that threatens you repair from 10 Tr and above. Depends on the cost of your graphics card.
Also do not advise you to install third party programs for cooling coolers, which increase your work so precious FPS. Enjoy the game!