.::SCRIPTS FOR MAFIA::. (Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven)
Offer to post in this topic various scriptsHere is a script for immediate acceleration of the machine (where you sit) up to 250 km/h because speed is large, then in the accident That usually dies right away, so I had to do to disperse Tom has appeared 300 health.
dim_flt 3
dim_act 3
dim_frm 3
findactor 0,Tommy
label 101
findnearactor 0, 1, Car
ctrl_read 1, JUMP1
if flt[1]=0, 101, -1
compareownerwithex 0, 1, -1, 101
human_setproperty 0,300,Energy
car_setspeed 1, 250
wait 10
goto 101 - script works when you click Additional jump
Suggest to write another script to fix the cars. At a speed of 250km/h the cars are very fast break, crumple and explode.Here is a screen
dim_flt 3
dim_act 3
dim_frm 3
findactor 0,Tommy
label 101
findnearactor 0, 1, Car
ctrl_read 1, HORN1
if flt[1]=0, 101, -1
human_setproperty 0,300,Energy
car_repair 1
goto 101 - script works when you click Additional beep
Here modic small on some scripts:
You can play with different models (even the dog)
Akay your link again does not plow (this is not a hint that you'd send to me on soap)!
Chevota I also hunt in scripts patapata , rock prog with mikemouse view th
Here is a script TurboCar. If you do not want to bathe, paste the script, you can download the mod on the basis of this script. I advise you to watch the video should be like. To watch and download.
dim_flt 10
dim_act 10
dim_frm 10
findactor 0, Tommy
findframe 0, Tommy
label norm
commandblock 0
commandblock 1
findnearactor 0, 1, Car
ctrl_read 1, HORN1
if flt[1]=0, norm, -1
compareownerwithex 0, 1, -1, norm
human_setproperty 0,300,Energy
commandblock 0
goto 2
label 2
commandblock 1
emitparticle 0,20,0
playsound pump.wav, 0, 70, 1
car_unbreakable 1,1
car_setspeed 1, 190
camera_getfov 3
commandblock 0
label 3
commandblock 0
commandblock 1
let flt[3] = flt[3] * 1.05
camera_setfov flt[3]
if flt[3] >140, -1, 3
label 4
commandblock 0
commandblock 1
let flt[3] = flt[3] * 0.98
camera_setfov flt[3]
if flt[3] < 75, -1, 4
commandblock 0
wait 5000
goto norm
These are the themes work...
Video is a BEAST ! SchA mod download and go nuts ! Bi-BIP - and flying like a rocket !
And under 300 speed to make possible ?
Maybe even under 1000. But when you hit a speed over 200 km/h - the car dalekoooo flies, and the water to plunk accident. And 190 km/h - is ideal.
Nobody in the nature of the script doesn't seen to run under 100:)?
as Gonzales from extreme sports, and hunting to have a good laugh!
Well, I wrote the script of the Bistango Volume:
dim_flt 10
dim_act 10
dim_frm 10
findactor 0,Tommy
human_setproperty 0,500,Energy
label 1
human_setproperty 0, 100, Speed
ctrl_read 1,HORN1
if flt[1]=0, 1, -1
console_addtext 128
goto 2
label 2
human_setproperty 0, 400, Speed
ctrl_read 1,HORN1
if flt[1]=0, 2, -1
console_addtext 128
goto 3
label 3
human_setproperty 0, 800, Speed
ctrl_read 1,HORN1
if flt[1]=0, 3, -1
console_addtext 128
goto 4
label 4
human_setproperty 0, 1300, Speed
ctrl_read 1,HORN1
if flt[1]=0, 4, -1
console_addtext 128
goto 1
Runs like Gonzalez, even better:)
Tom has a 3 speed. Switch - extra button whistle (horn).
Here's another script autoprihlasenie lives Tom:
dim_act 1
dim_flt 1
findactor 0,Tommy
label 101
human_getproperty 0,0,Energy
if flt[0]>100,101,-1
if flt[0]
Probably the script creates a security guard know. Here's a little expanding its capabilities. Now your bodyguard subordinate commands wait-go, such as Salvatore at Villa attorney
dim_flt 1
dim_act 2
findactor 0, "Guard"
findactor 1, "Tommy"
human_addweapon 0, 10, 50, 200
{ up
if flt[0] = 1, -1, 101
enemy_action_follow 1, 2, nonext
label 101
enemy_playanim "!!!Svih.I3D"
wait 30000
goto 101
event use_ab
if flt[0] = 0, -1, 2
label 1
enemy_talk 1, 11990731
let flt[0] = 1
label 2
enemy_talk 1, 11990741
enemy_forcescript 0
let flt[0] = 0
If anyone has interesting ideas to share, and I'll try to implement them, and that can get...
Try to make on the whistle Tommy security guard stayed or went, and even better would be if the place of the guards Becali dog!
Here is a script that cars fly
For take-off:
dim_flt 3
dim_act 3
dim_frm 3
findactor 0,Tommy
findactor 2,NULL
findframe 0, Tommy.neck
label 101
ctrl_read 1, JUMP
if flt[1]=0, 101, -1
car_unbreakable 2,1
compareownerwithex 0, 2, 101, -1
human_getowner 0, 1
actor_setplacement 1, 0
label 999
car_setspeed 1, 230
human_setproperty 0,300,Energy
ctrl_read 1, JUMP
if flt[1]=0, 999, -1
car_setspeed 1, 40
goto 101
And the landing:
dim_flt 3
dim_act 3
dim_frm 3
findactor 0,Tommy
findactor 2,NULL
findframe 0, Tommy.neck
label 101
ctrl_read 1, JUMP
if flt[1]=0, 101, -1
car_unbreakable 2,1
compareownerwithex 0, 2, 101, -1
human_getowner 0, 1
actor_setplacement 1, 0
label 999
car_setspeed 1, 230
human_setproperty 0,300,Energy
ctrl_read 1, JUMP
if flt[1]=0, 999, -1
car_setspeed 1, 40
goto 101
Though the handling sucks (need to know vector)
Once mafiom.com posted scripts:
weather_setparam ON, 1
weather_setparam SPEED, 45
weather_setparam LEN, 0.1
weather_setparam WIDTH, 0.1
weather_setparam MAX_DIST, 45
weather_setparam MAX_HEIGHT, 12
weather_setparam MAX_CNT, 9500
weather_setparam DIR_X, 0
weather_setparam DIR_Y, -0.98
weather_setparam DIR_Z, 0
weather_setparam MODE 2
weather_setparam ON, 1
weather_setparam SPEED, 45
weather_setparam LEN, 0.9
weather_setparam WIDTH, 0.02
weather_setparam MAX_DIST, 45
weather_setparam MAX_HEIGHT, 12
weather_setparam MAX_CNT, 7500
weather_setparam DIR_X, 0
weather_setparam DIR_Y, -0.98
Kirill_fan what to reconstruct. You to MAfia 2 complete nonsense talking about, but please at least do not litter here as there. Mod it is almost ready (no screen nothing), I urge you not to give a shit in the comments because I'm 100% you say no there is nowhere to nothing.