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skif027 11.12.19 12:40 pm

Infinite download. (Dark Souls 3)

Guys, faced with such a problem - after creating a character begins endless download. Those who have experienced this? And how to fix?
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Taicho 11.12.19

Same problem when trying to go to the location of High wall Latrice begins endless download.

Tytanyumm 11.12.19

I have a General menu in your face, under the skin Persian is not displayed, the Square of Malevich what is... But it's okay, we finish the creation, and here it is, infinite loading locations, what to do?

astrozombie 11.12.19

fuhh....here is a direct conductive broke my save. when traveling to the fire pit was endless download.
after killing the process of the DS3 and the new launch of this save game was not loaded.
helped check the integrity of Kesha wrote that 2 files failed validation and will be uploaded. overloaded 11.7 gig. the save game is loaded. farts have potushitsya.

Dimanbll 11.12.19

so I got burned on it, looking for cause and solution. Long waited until download this Loka (TP temple of fire), then had to urgently close the game, I go, and my save isn't loading, loaded and new Persian, with the new(other) class and in the beginning of the game all at 0. It was assumed that my save will start at the last bonfire,and yeah, it's weird. Killed 4 hours of the game offensively.

Dimanbll 11.12.19

more detail can be with the decision endless. download as checked the integrity of game cache? I simply overwrite the save on the net ,was a warrior was made a knight naked, and in the beginning of the game, well that game though not bought, quiet horror.

Ded MastDay 11.12.19

Once upon a time, about 2 years ago, downloaded the pirates have stolknulsya with the same problem, infinite loading when switching from the temple of fire on the wall Latrice. Then, I finally found a solution, but I can't remember which (like the curve of a tablet, but not sure). But there is a solution. By the way, litsuhe no such problems. The game has long been bought and have no regrets. How not cool, but the DS to play online a lot more interesting.

Possible solutions:
1. To increase the paging file, not to put at the system and fixed size of 8192 MB or above. (regardless of the amount of RAM installed). Don't know why that is, but some way this helped.
2. Download fix (for piratok) Dark Souls 3 Fix by CODEX. The absence of viruses is not guaranteed.