Why Knights suck? (For Honor)
You've seen the territory of the Knights? It actually is not. This is the type.Hmmm.... The Knights will be a lot of people come in. Better go for the Samurai! They just need support
I thought you're talking about the Persians, knights, everything is exactly often to change the areas of these territories.
Last night watched: knights overtook the samurai a couple of points, but the Vikings overtake the rest of the faction more than twice
At the Seizure of territories are all the characters at one point, the amplification and reflection attacks, and then one more one. Do not even need to run from point to point.
At the start, on the contrary they blew the Vikings ,and most of the cards zahavali samurai.On the second day everyone was givin the knights,but became drained by the samurai.
No matter what kind of character you play faction you choose one at the beginning of the beta ,and there for anyone to play,still all the points will go to that faction.
Flavius Eugenius wrote:
the faction you choose one at the beginning of the beta
Write as if you cannot edit it)
Flavius Eugenius
at the beginning of the beta you just choose your preferred race and champion of the avant-garde of this fraction pass training.
Then the fraction of elementary changes in the profile menu of the character (f2).
And on the subject nasasyvaniya of the Vikings in the first day was cool post on Reddit - like a Viking, do not worry about depressed areas, now all the Vikings get back from work and will punish all shkololo samurai:) Really start samurai was because of the movie the mad Spearman.
the fact is that really more profitable to stand on A and C than to farm Moscow in the center. Exception - the conquerors (the average person). They may well dominate At the expense of the talent on other and great protection.
Just knights worship the volcano Ignis and throw all the forces on it. DEUS VULTKANO!