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Vitaliy Zadesenec 14.12.19 07:27 am

VR - Virtual reality

That invent a virtual reality, whether it's the norm in the future or popularity will fall? Your opinion describe here.
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leon997 14.12.19

I would buy the Oculus, if I had an extra hundred thousand.
In General a thing good, and when it becomes more affordable, it is definitely gaining popularity.

darkknight2504 14.12.19

Well, I think the trick here as with mobile phones before. From the entire class had 5-6 people at most. Eventually virtual reality will become more accessible and it will be as commonplace as cell phones now. Well, this is the best of outcomes)

Delphis 14.12.19

on the ru forum is to ask where people buy a license mixed with shit.

rPeBoJL 14.12.19

be sure to download torrents

Delphis 14.12.19

suggest repak from hatab, and trainers from Barracuda

Di1etant 14.12.19

Aleksator 14.12.19

the bottom of the comments there is a button to answer...

Delphis 14.12.19

but I didn't answer.. but I have nothing against buttons do not have

Aleksator 14.12.19

O_o but when you use a nickname that seems like the answer. And no insert via nick's reply, that dude will not receive the message about the response.

Delphis 14.12.19

what answer, if this case. I was taught to address people with respect.

Serezha Sinkienko 14.12.19

don't know have not tried

Vaipen 14.12.19

A little clinic. I noticed that some games for VR similar to what one sees in delirium. Once I did Zaripova, so even the doctors were called and I complained that when I close my eyes I think that I'm going on a roller coaster. What Doc said is quite an interesting observation and that and the movement on any mode of transport has been described by many patients and that its really going to include flu-like symptoms. Now remember what games basically are doing for BP. Right Sims different kind of movement. Roller coasters, istribiteli, flight of the eagle, etc. and the person's brain when asusal movement, at a time when his body is at rest, holds that man is bad and he is really getting bad.

MunchkiN 616 14.12.19

Protestant Knight
delusions are different. every virus usually affects the nervous system.
other Breda and hallucinations are quite diverse and not like BP.
BP can be compared with a headphone that is erased has anyone not particularly surprised from the shots there don't start UkrAVTO and perekalivatsja. if these technologies go to mass, and all of the additional reality is that nobody will amaze and nanospace will be to distinguish the point from the soap.

Podvipodvertov 14.12.19

All this garbage so. Well, wearing the helmet on his head, ears closed headphones, a gun, stand and shoot the monsters running to you. Almost the same as butt to sit in front of the monitor, covering himself and his dark sheets, put the headphones on and shoot all evil.
All of these goggles and helmets, it's not a virtual reality rather rough and clumsy parody of it. But there is nothing wrong, after all with what that began.
For me, virtual reality is when you fall in some kind of capsule, into your head penetrate the wires, you choose the right flavor model simulations, whether fighting, flying or racing etc. then in the body the injection is administered, and the awareness you're already in a full-fledged virtual world in the body of some German ACE of the second world trying to bring down the British fighter. And only the realization that this is not your body, and do all this simulation allows to distinguish the world modeled by the computer from the present. So this is virtual reality, and all that now is so child's play for an hour or two.

rPeBoJL 14.12.19


Vaipen 14.12.19

Yeah, and then you move out the attic, like Arnie from Remember Everything. By the way, another nablyudali. People sometimes twitch in my sleep hands, feet, twirl your head. So there, I notice on her, they dream interactive dream. Which often in my dreams during fever. (M. b. such behavior and is associated with her simptomami) i.e. to something in a dream to take or somewhere you need to walk to produce a corresponding movement on otherwise the plot will not pass. Applicable looks like people playing in VR. :)

DiosMuerto 14.12.19

just the helmet is complete garbage...if that's not a helmet like in sword art online that don't exist yet.
Well, if closer to reality, the helmet need a suit that will read your movements. But still what a spec path that would not run in gear =)))

Aleksey Lesnik 14.12.19

So the reality is mixed with virtual reality, and we could not distinguish one from the other? Probably way I see the future of this technology

Spiny 14.12.19

I'm waiting for Vive Cosmos. Look what he represents. And aimed at the HTC Vive Pro Vive or this Cosmos.

BattleEffect 14.12.19

Some kind of crap, the imagination will always be better.