Bug in Mysia Star Dispatcher (Fallout 4)
Hello, I decided to take the mission of the Star Dispatcher. Prishol to the terminal and looked , found 9 cores , and more no-th-th . I listened to the recording from the corpses , staring at the terminal, read 13 times ... But the marker at the Terminal was so hot... Who didn't know , There should be task script what you watch in the terminal and there is a new task.But I have ... and I Quote , (and no more-che-go ) ... Ie task is to find 1 block , but I don't have it.
To do???
Markers direct you to a location where kernel can find them you have,full guides if he can't find it.
At the dump after completing the quest hub,the kernel will respite constantly,i.e., even if you missed something you can get.
Just wanted to throw this video. )))) I used this video to help with the passage.
So so so so so so so so , you look at him the passage of this quest , when he will sit behind a terminal somewhere in the beginning of the second minute there will be a problem. they say find a nuclear unit . He peremeschyaetsya marker lying next to the corpse . But rather on the block and he takes it inserts runs the system in Autonom mode but I did not put blocks. Not able to run . Ie simply put ... I challenge the Quote (to Explore the Central computer ) what I current do believe
Do you happen to have the console not to cheat.
Try the kernel to put in place and then restart the computer if does not help,then the quest stage console and to help.