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Aleksey Bitardskiy 18.12.19 07:23 am

New year greetings from the retard. (Diablo 2)

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
I want to congratulate each of the players in Toy of the Devil Two happy new year.
I wish for everyone this year:
1) Not to be Masha. Or to be Masha, but not to be scorched so silly, as did arweg, he's Yenno, he's DreamIgnis on software.
2) do Not drive the wigs. Because it makes no sense - Reset in may-September, even after the year - a very real prospect, and not have to growl and try, in my humble opinion.
3) always be human. See Nuba - check ACC, of course, if all good - give Shaka Lowe and the hot boys Oh boys will pay off in time, the Bazaar. When I started, for example, and knew nothing about the online devil, and this, as you know - antagonist single-devil - I received as a prize some claws on Cinco, and Shaq from a friend. After 2 months I brought him oxm a penny and dumped on the floor - he bougarel, not taken, and since then we karashima, even the beer in Peter drank when I was passing through.
4) Collect pvp chars. PVM on ng - it's not even that ungrateful, and just beyond good and evil: drop - only banks with a kind of stool, while on a CD. Hence the following paragraph.
5) do Not grindy. In simple words - no need to farm. At all. Ng nothing to farm, everyone falls accidentally. As once said Dober high runes drop only llcam. He's partly right, because they don't drop regular players, it is a trivial statistic: they are on the CD fall to someone with a new nickname that chat lights up, unsubscribe : po4em zod posone????. I have one suspicion, but the voice I surely will not.
6) Not to beg.
7) don't play devil's two more than three hours a day. In the chat at least a day sit, but not play. Unless it is a pvp battle with an individual player. Does not make sense in all other cases, absolutely.
8) Follow the actions of moderators.If you are one of them don't like - create a fake and perekachivanija. Need to complain about the moderation on this server, no: they do what they want, and it's not particularly controlled. When I was a moder - I saw the kitchen inside: on the second day I had beef with peers, and after some time moderki I lost, without explaining what, why, and why.
The conclusion I made about the following: the Administration(not moderators, and not even ircnet) draws a fun banner for kids for 45 rubles, they have no time to deal in any Calais has like three, because it doesn't pay. If banned - create a fake will save your nerves and your time.

СпойлерZen_Master, dai runca bratan, hlamira odet, a to ea ne mogu nikogo nogebati(((( tebe samomu ne skuwna s etimi dodekami style pvp igrati? go lu4we na arimanu wmotec skidivaca wob veselo bilo( ta potom poidem fair tvt turnir, [brandy craft] nognem vdvoem ez

Happy new year to all!

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Markl 18.12.19

Cool music.

cristagalli 18.12.19

WITH NG! Here, at least not covertly trying to call a pig, considering that this smishno)

Aleksey Bitardskiy 18.12.19

cristagalli wrote:
Here, at least not covertly trying to call a pig, considering that this smishno)
right here are called swine, and I don't see anything funny.
Welcome to the club.

Yenno 18.12.19

Alex Bitansky
now would be given a ban for what a pig is a pig called.
p.s. Happy New Year!!!

Aleksey Bitardskiy 18.12.19

Don't come in my threads, arweg, please. You here is not even that silly look, you beyond just. Beyond good and evil.
Mašek - pollserver. Create your own threads, communicate there. Organize clubs of fans of hardcore fans, for example, but not touch us, please(

Yenno 18.12.19

Alex Bitansky
nothing that I went in new year's greetings aka blue light from piterskogo. Or ti then sell? Don't see thread(((

Aleksey Bitardskiy 18.12.19

Yenno wrote:
nothing that I went in new year's greetings aka blue light from piterskogo
Don't come in my threads, arweg, please. You here is not even that silly look, you beyond just. Beyond good and evil.
Yenno wrote:
Or ti then sell?
I'm not a specialist in these matters, but you seem to think there is a possibility that I have sold at high prices. This, for a moment, one of the most important qualities of zamkadysh is to sell yourself. So, if I were zamkadysh - I would have survived.

Fun fact.
Spoilerless three years ago, I someone said that the ring road is the Internet - I ugaral it a day, and then asked again, saying is trulink? it's a prank, bro? Confess! He says he - no. Well, I stopped laughing at the fact, but continued over all that outside Moscow. With DINAMA-provincial postal even raise it.
Understand Yes: You have only begun to suspect what has happened is that action half an hour ago.
Will post on YouTube my reaction to my reaction to the reaction arwega to Scam on hardcore. After six months in order to comply with the canonicity.

Spoilering! Teach ruske of ESI

By the way, I would not recommend all the participants in any way rubbing against each other Yenno(aka arweg), to write the answers him in the game, or something to argue with him. There is evidence from the original that the account bitardsky got the number ten exactly because of the fact that in a rough form in the chat pointed out arwegu who he is and where his place. It was observed personally in a very short period of time. Therefore, the figure
9) do Not contact with those who appear to be a person of the opposite sex. There is simply no, but if this(th) will complain to the moderator - banned for a sweet deal. Moderators are not all swimming in female attention, and can also lead. They are not to blame. Interested can watch the film Alien.

For comparison, figure 10 real trade, for example. I never like not doing anything, and still have me no one clearly explained why and what for. I'm not even interested in, alas, but imagine about someone and dislike with which it is associated.

Yenno 18.12.19

Alex Bitansky
thanks for the compliment, I'm flattered. User erceg played when sitarski not born, and knows only 5 people( info 100) . All ! I arches ! I am a dad(mom) ! And I have a huge crown on the head of this gold ,with diamonds and mink coat and the Ferrari and piterskim the eunuchs !

Yenno 18.12.19

And this is a fan ар4ега, I 5 (+) of accounts banned for 10 , but I did not call you hehe.

Aleksey Bitardskiy 18.12.19

not to bomb ples, and then #setrassajo
You were sleeping as silly arweg(

Yenno 18.12.19

Alex Bitansky
okey, kausik

Yenno 18.12.19

da, potraxalas` bu pod myzon takoi ))))

Aleksey Bitardskiy 18.12.19

Here the children play, I'm a kid. And you write this here!

Yenno 18.12.19

Alex Bitansky
that does not worry, patrol loaf will take as your komenty

Aleksey Bitardskiy 18.12.19

all the best!
Spoilery you in the alley when the dog barks, you, too, on all fours stand up, and in response bark yeah?By the way, arweg, pay attention - I'm just dececco the idea is that doing you a big favor not revealing information about who is who, and what and in what quantity should.
That is why: don't come in my threads, but then #acemassage, and fakes will change a maximum of once a week, and then, when I won't have time to calculate you iq and a drain on the public.

Yenno 18.12.19

Alex Bitansky
the owner, hijust <3<3<3

Yenno 18.12.19

Alex Bitansky
what sitarski, the coach turned into a pumpkin tree turned into an exclamation point?I sympathize,sincerely(((

Thraex pig 18.12.19

Alex Bitansky
And the voice on Skype have Yenno the female)In the thing)))

Obsessed 18.12.19

Thraex pig for the full occurrence in the image Arweg chop off something. the structure of the film ;-)

Aleksey Bitardskiy 18.12.19

Thraex pig
I have 2 roommates, they have Skype too, the voice female. And these neighbor - not married.

Are you still alive, old man. BELIEVE.