Flew save. (Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales)
Can throw off saving the beginning of the 2nd Chapter?If the missing button Continue in the boot menu hanging Cell damaged then do the following:
1. Do not touch anything and start a new game.
2. New game save in a different slot. How kept out of the game.
3. Go to the folder with salami C:\Users\*\ AppData\LocalLow\ CDProjektRED\Thronebreaker\SaveData
4. There is CAMPAIGN_SAVE_NorthernRealms_Slot_0 is the first slot in which you have played before and have CAMPAIGN_SAVE_NorthernRealms_Slot_1 the next slot in which you just started a new game.
5. Slot_0 is usually empty if it is damaged, so remove Slot_0, Slot_1 and rename in Slot_0.
6. Open the just renamed CAMPAIGN_SAVE_NorthernRealms_Slot_0 and CAMPAIGN_SAVE_NorthernRealms _Slot_0_Snapshot_2147483647 text editor (MS Word).
7. Hammered into Slot_0 data from Snapshot_2147483647, and the number of the Episode, the Slot number, in the correct SaveKey -> Slot_0 Slot_1 in (three times).
8. Persistent.
9. Start the game and continue where left off:)