Podskazhi Nuba (Fallout 4)
1.Stuck on the bottles in the Pavilion laughing. GG instantly blows centrifugal force what's the point?2.Decided to go to the trick. In SB there is a modification of jet, but for some reason not working. Nor in hall, nor in any other place. Although immediately after installation worked. How to treat?
3.Seen in the video here and read the topics that can be placed on the shelf dolls, racks for magazines, and even put the clothes on the mannequins. What is the button combination to do it? And how to drag the mannequins to the location?
3. Make a shelf for the pups and a button R click, choose pups and they are put on the shelf.
OCDecorator - Static Loot OCDecorator - Ver1.1.3 mod on the Nexus, you can get and set on racks, shelves, etc. all the stuff from lighters and abraxo to wine and vodka, food and other decorative items - cash, globes, phones... Mod conflict
Nothing to demolish should not, will be bound very easily. Took just a couple of days ago.
Thought schA will help the Nuba, as in Folic long ride, I read what you wrote, and realized that noob is me.
Specifically jumped from first person. Obviously caught the bug: GG on the platform jumps. But then the platform continues to spin, and Persian remains in place until the water does not collapse...
Evil Wizard
Sorry, what is TCL?
Press the tilde button(the button on the keyboard to the left of 1)and open the console.
Evil Wizard
What is the console, I later realized...But we must know that it is to drive! Alas, after many games, basically did not use cheats, but I guess I'll have to learn...
Cool game, but the bugs caught on one two. Several times had quests using codes to finish: the UFO after Assembly do not disperse, the gate of diamond city are not opened))) Little helper: http://ru.fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Портал:Fallout_4 . Is codes quests, satellites, well you'll see.