Should I change 1070 to 2070?
There are 8700к 32GB asus strix 1070. Playing fhd, 2K via dsr. Nearing the end of warranty on vidyahu. Should I now change to 2070? If Yes then what to take? Or to sit and not bathe until the next generation?Yoba1212
So I with the Assembly above and not necessary. We are talking about relevance in the near future, the supply of new chips.
The meaning of the transition if you successfully sell your old card, because to get +25% performance losing a few tens of thousands, as it is doubtful.
Yoba1212 wrote:
Therefore, all new pieces will now appear only for 4K. Already statement DLSS on more.
That kind of nonsense, since when is fright new chips will only run at 3840x2160? About DLSS that this smoothing works without problems in 1080p. As the rays are working without problems in 1080p.
I ful HD everywhere satisfied, and if JEM, at all. If now from scratch to take including monitor, I'd have taken 2K. I just want to play with good graphics and not have problems. So the question for me just with the video card.
I agree, but if you see out to the new generation, this will be thrown the question is - spend now or later...
Yoba1212 wrote:
Estestvenno to aliasing for the 4K.
I'm above like in Russian wrote that DLSS can be used on 1080p. And 4K usually do not use smoothing because it hits performance and DLSS essentially for nothing, but yet it showed it's just soap and all.
you play and if you now all happy meaning to upgraditis?
I sit on the 970 ,I thought for 1070 seats ,then posomtrel in 1 BF on ultra with 80-100 fps ride ,the last darksider on ultrah-high passed at 60 frames ,in pubs I mostly just run ,there's fps as well on average 80-100 ,well over a year the other I have garroni on medium /high and I will continue to roll when you hit the low ,then it will be replaced .
If you decline grafone on average is pain ,then sell and okupi .