Arondit (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Hi to all fans of the Witcher! My question is, I found achivku the incentive after upgrading to DLS blood and wine to Arondit from the hands of the Lady of the Lake please tell me what to do to get it.AsStRaLL92
On one of the message boards will specify the Path of Destiny, during its passage receives Arondit.
This is the most imbalanced sword in the game. to be honest. I was able to overclock to 1100 damage, it's just hard))
OOO, thank you. And then the quest is on the shelf, and I want for everyday life to carry
But as it is generally pumped? Beat, beat the monsters, and the damage he is the same.
Need to accumulate 10 charges the sword and kill the enemy - charges are reset to 0 and the damage is increased. I have a simple mobs death has not lived up to 10 charges if I went 1-2. The higher your damage, the harder to pump)
it is possible to undress or find crowds for this case
ideally all half-naked to beat the spiders, they can immediately slacsite all
So I have did not survive) is not bad For dwarfs pumped into 1000 stories. Everything was over the Witcher, you can go outside(
But I've been wondering during the job, the lady of the lake gives Geralt Arondit and says something like (don't remember exactly) I Hope this time you don't lose it (C). So here's the question , and when Geralt had it already 1 time to lose??
In the first part of the lady of the lake gave him Arondit, and the second part of Geralt lost his silver sword and he had to craft a new one.
But the effect of oil deposited on Arondit in the transition to the next level and points of the slaughter is attached to the sword? And then I somehow became a permanent 50% against elementals. Now put three oil filled +40 possible points and wait for the new level.
Everything was elementary. The oil is just when you dispose of the land or in the trunk. Seems to work for all swords, so it's probably a cheat bug
But you can transfer your saves from the first second, and there you'll have it. Maybe he lost it between the third and second
-Give 5 crowns boy that delivers a letter from Yennifer/Triss on the main market Bokhara.
-during the main quest, the lair of the Beast give a boy shining shoes financial assistance, you can arrange to slightly more than 400 CZK.
-In the quest Portrait to redeem your portrait for 1000 CZK.
-Quest national hero, you must return the stolen genitals of the statue to the Museum, and not to leave their captors for a fee. It is also possible to borrow and pick up the next day.
-Upon completion of the quest Eternal peace inform the customer that the cause of the noise in the cemetery was a family quarrel.
-In the quest, the Song knight of heart to accept the challenge of the Prince of Rivia or Tailess (depends on what name your character showed up at the tournament) and win.
-Win a jousting tournament in the Quest, the Song knight of heart.
-Become the champion of Toussaint in fist fights.
In wegmachen order If you don't want my death... after the battle with the monster to tell a knight-companion: Take that head off and get back to Bokler.
-in the quest the Balance of nature give up order (get empathy and 350 kroons) and refuse the bonus.
-To spare Charley in the arena with the passage of the main quest"the Beast of Toussant.
-In the quest Maklerskie Safari to prevent the customer suffered. Then, after the Safari guards to ask the customer about his life, after accepting his invitation to visit the exhibition of his work and there not to miss the opportunity to ask about the status of his daughter.
-Post askoldovna Vita mostly quest Echo a few days will appear the ensuing quest Hunger games where you have a spell to allow Marlene to stay in Corvo Bianco as a cook.
-During the quest, the Balance of nature refuse to kill the last silver Basilisk.
Mainly the quest the Echo spell Vita. To do this, inspect the kitchen before hiding in the closet, then decide to spell a monster, and sat with him at the table, offer to eat without spoons.
-Upon completion of the quest Brotherly love get detail distiller hot spring, and later, when Hugo asks you to protect him from his own brethren, the answer is that no one dies tonight.
-To win the tournament guinto in Toussaint.
saa0891 wrote:
-during the main quest, the lair of the Beast give a boy shining shoes financial assistance, you can arrange to slightly more than 400 CZK.
I pissed off a small, 400 CZK in the end of course change, but in the case of this kid ACSI and only Axi.
Well, that's enough to run 1 of the items but not all.
Saint.Demidroll wrote:
I pissed off a small, 400 CZK in the end of course change, but in the case of this kid ACSI and only Axi.
I'm more upset that he box is not bought,especially when Regis came to him the second time,I thought he already new the place is,it would be cool,but it did not.