Savage murder (Middle-earth: Shadow of War)
The actual question of how savagely kill Braga? shift+RMB does not work, extra homework does not pass, there is important condition to kill captain savage way, write the key combination, but they do not workdmll
come to the edge, hold shift, if the Orc is red click the RMB(right skill savage murder)
In the quest for the savage murder of the algorithm is this: run to the roof, approach the edge, hold down shift. See Orc. The Orc is highlighted in red, appears the option: PKM - savage murder.
If you RMB, regardless of pressing Shift, I have always included long-range combat, - takes a bow, savagely can't kill!?
Looks like it, I really savagely killed the wrong that have on the job, and standing against the wall.
Everything is simple, savagely killing with hills. Hold down SHIFT + approaching the edge of PKM. The gamepad is the same story RT + Y. most Importantly, without palivo to get close to the fight has not begun. For those who have not the standard setup: In stealth mode (when the character crouches down) press the button responsible for the counter.