Want to lose the memory
I want to lose memory, preferably in part. You need to remember some things from my past that cause you pain and bad memories and start life anew. just to not completely, at least leave the ability to a normal life, but forget what you've been doing and who I was. Maybe someone knows how to use chemical substances or some psychological techniques you can do itOverSlash
No, that's not right. You can kill the fuck or a moron that I don't need
Ubeysya the wall(2)
or a moron to become
I felt like you are like this.Why erase the memory?If you remember these moments, sometimes you can protect yourself from mistakes in the future.I had one
Use of tranquilizers, psychological impact (e.g., hypnosis), intake of drugs and alcohol contributes to memory loss... But it's out of control and choose the memories you want to erase is impossible.
Paul Atreides
Apparently you didn't have such honest, that I want to forget. I have and there is nothing to learn, just need to get rid of it!
Use a modified carbon wealthy people edited memory
AAA in mi is also remember
all kakoeto substance, the transfer looked, however it is completely otshibaet memory
klofelinschica with whiskey and fuck, but more. a moron will not, but the brain will format
Screw It
klofelinschica with whiskey and fuck, but more. a moron will not, but the brain will format
Yeah always )))
The glue will zanyuhanny and brain will disintegrate, will become a plant and all.