Want to lose the memory
I want to lose memory, preferably in part. You need to remember some things from my past that cause you pain and bad memories and start life anew. just to not completely, at least leave the ability to a normal life, but forget what you've been doing and who I was. Maybe someone knows how to use chemical substances or some psychological techniques you can do itMaklline66
who are you, what would I determine what I deserve? you try something of the above to do. don't be scared - I'm poaplodirovat
The author, the only way is hypnosis. Vapor on the psychology of listening with one ear, so that an accurate view of hypnosis will not tell) and it is not necessary, just find a specialist therapist who fumbles.
First to stop feeling sorry for yourself and think that you have it worse than others, that you have only such problems and bad memories. And secondly to ask for advice on NG.
Memory loss - the lot elected. If you're not the mysterious main character of the game, movie, or book, then you, a mere mortal, the memory of losing in any way is not allowed according to the story, no.
Cut him a piece of your brain, but that the result may be even worse than we would like.
You can not forget, just remove or at least minimize the discomfort that evoke memories. That is, the memory will remain, but will have all the same somehow that it was or not.
Have pain and sorrow in any case there are reasons, and they can be removed if you have to dig deep in yourself or use the assistance of a psychologist.
Hypnosis is also very good. In principle, therefore, it is possible as the memories, to block, and caused their emotions to choose from, so to speak.
A few tips can even in PM to give.
Meaning that not only you, but also you, wherever you can? Oy vey, now what dissolved the youth went...
Partial memory loss without serious consequences for the organism impossible.
PS Unpleasant events in my life happened, happens and will happen because this is life itself: a change event of a different nature. To spoil the present with the past is not worth it.
There's a thing called learning from your mistakes. Erasing these memories out of my head, you again run into the same rake.