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artemdanilkin 24.12.19 10:38 am

Does not start Far Cry 3 (Far Cry 3)

Played half a year ago, everything was fine, decided to go again, set and when you run gives an error. Pirates(tried and from the mechanics and from Phoenix), OS win 7, i5,8gb,gtx460.
Screen http://cs319520.vk.me/v319520462/7d74/RNaWXFBbuu0.jpg
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olegik55 24.12.19

artemdanilkin about the server I wrote to you and another person,well, you rock =) About the path is clear,and that is also a good way not have to strain,well done, that was a good game, this should go=)

nestrbob 24.12.19

Start the game from the new path is not an option, and check the main OS on the biggest looser among and performance of the game. Get the underlying OS to a normal operating state.

Zhirafik 24.12.19

Hi! The PROBLEM start after installing the game. Bought a normal drive to the boutiques. Set on the laptop, Windows 7. After the installation POPs up a window Error - this window below:

Ubisoft Game Lancher:
There was a probleme starting your game, the Ubisoft Game Lancher was not found. Please try re-installing the game. Error code is 2.

olegik55 24.12.19

Zhirafik in General, try to remove the launcher Ubisoft Game Lancher through program Uninstal Tools, in order to not have tails then the launcher , then downloading the launcher from the official website of Ubisoft at this link http://static3.cdn.ubi.com/orbit/launcher_installer/UbisoftGameLauncherInstaller.exe and shaped by him , but in order to do this, you need to uninstall the game completely using the same program Tools Uninstal and re-install the game,well, in principle everything is ,as they say go for it =)

Zhirafik 24.12.19

olegik55 what it says Uninstal Tools ? and launcher is that ?

Zhirafik 24.12.19

olegik55 downloaded Uninstal Tools, and now what is there to do ? how to uninstall this launcher ?

olegik55 24.12.19

Zhirafik Start the program Uninstall Tools ,looking for the launcher Ubisoft Game Lancher menu Uninstaller,after right click there And choose sub-item to Uninstall ,click OK to begin deleting the launcher,well here vpritsipe this sequence,nothing complicated here,it's simple =)

Zhirafik 24.12.19

olegik55 here's what you wrote to me static3.cdn.ubi.com /orbit/launcher_installer/Ubi.. There hasn't, throws an error

Zhirafik 24.12.19

olegik55 using Uninstall Tools and only managed to remove the game itself. The launcher can't find

olegik55 24.12.19

Zhirafik well, at least the game was removed with the help of this program , it is happy,it is strange that link should work ,well, okay then try this link http://www.playground.ru/files/ubisoft_game_launcher-40628/ Yes, the launcher should be installed along this path C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Ubisoft \ Ubisoft Game Launcher (32-bit version of Windows) C: \ Program Files \ Ubisoft \ Ubisoft Game Launcher (64-bit versions of Windows) ,well all move on,after you accomplish your goal.

Zhirafik 24.12.19

olegik55 the Ubisoft folder is empty after you uninstall the game. Now try the download link

Zhirafik 24.12.19

olegik55 downloaded the launcher, after installing it the Ubisoft folder in Program Files (x86) is empty. As it should be ?

olegik55 24.12.19

Zhirafik Oh right it will be empty because the game is removed ,and when install the game it will be set in this way that I wrote above ,unless you do everything right,just try another way if that does not help and just not to bother , here you go already installed Ubisoft Game Launcher ,download, then unpack the archive and copy to your path C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Ubisoft\ here is the link to it http://rghost.ru/49259039 well, I hope it should fix accomplish your goal after this procedure .

Zhirafik 24.12.19

olegik55 installed again the game and Ubisoft Game Launcher and no

olegik55 24.12.19

Zhirafik read the message above I added

Zhirafik 24.12.19

olegik55 can not understand anything ! downloaded this launcher, put it in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Ubisoft\ and when you start the game, first Update occurs , and then again the same Eggnog popping up

olegik55 24.12.19

Zhirafik strange but I thought you had earn, you may be the folder is incorrectly inserted in the path ,are you sure you did everything right? And another question is for hopping to buy the game. Well, how much antivirusnik worth ? As game run through uplau or via standard shortcut on the desktop?

Zhirafik 24.12.19

olegik55 Well, Yes, in the start menu shortcut, launch from there , and then Far Cry Update, and error. Bought 700r. And antivirusnik was initially, Norton is like.

Zhirafik 24.12.19

olegik55 inside the drive, even what code that is , for additional levels like the. and Activation code is only for the entire installation process of the game, the code and the question

olegik55 24.12.19

Zhirafik not babidu of course say, but your antivirusnik you have nothing ,better to put Kaspersky, much more effective and safer..So the prices learned, and I initially thought the pirates smacks,but still doubts about it kind of went away. For some reason I think that you incorrectly put in the folder because when you extract the files out 2 or folder you have one folder. Try run game as administrator,so navasky case , sometimes it helps this way. Still say the game installed at antivirusnike enabled or disabled? And why did you start the game via the standard label,if you have a license,then you have to run the game through the Uplay client, first zapoceli it,and then the game start,in theory it should be. In what store bought the game exactly you say?