Missing all the quests (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Hi to all,the attic was missing all the quests,i.e. the list of tasks is nothing in the boot menu Explores the greater area of Athens . Tell me how to fix it?https://b.radikal.ru/b29/1812/6b/a31c1865c178.png
here is a screenshot
it would be the strangest ending)))but the trick is that from Attica was impossible to move even solved the problem of loading old saves,and not just old and yesterday....now knit 2 levla farm
Have a good day.
Faced with this problem: finished to the point on Calfion where you have to go to steal the eye of Cyclops,
for personal reasons left the game, came after a while and the job in the list was not. And
both basic and complementary. I decided to check, created a new game, got the job to track down Marcus, restarted the game,
and the assignments were also not on the list. Loading previous saves didn't save. There are no jobs there either.
If someone has encountered this problem, please give a solution.
Game license, not pirate