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MostWanted-RUS 15.09.19 02:10 pm


Dear friends! Downloaded Origin yesterday went to activate the key for SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED, but after I click Next appears loading icon and nothing more happens, i.e. the load is infinite, and the game never appears on my list. I tried to restart the program, reinstalled, but to no avail. Please tell me how can I solve this problem?
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Edik Larionov 15.09.19

What to do I downloaded with origin FIFA 16, DEMO click install but nothing happens.

WowaFil 15.09.19

Not working Origin who still.Online authentication is temporarily not available,what is it?Or it happens?

Jackson.1.0 15.09.19

I also have already the second or third day is not working, now the issue that is supposedly wrong log or password. th XS to do

Vadim425 15.09.19

Guys what to do I have not pokazhutsya prices in the store and when you log in the game says connection lost you can't play in co-op.And more when you press in the tab on the house to load it scrolls to the top and pop-up ads

Ilsur Yumalin 15.09.19

And I can't get on the website. The site goes down normally, but then can't log in using your data

Ilsur Yumalin 15.09.19

Vlad Bigun 15.09.19

What to do if you turn on the update and in the middle of the knocks that you need to download new version!! Shake that what is written , but it is not working download origin from the official website , what the hell tell me?? Where can I download inbred Origin

Alexander666999 15.09.19

Guys, I have this problem when you launch origin POPs up a window:failed to connect to the Internet and further: For installation of Origin requires Internet connection, but the connection fails.Please check Internet connection and try again.
What to do?

Alexander666999 15.09.19

The Head Of Humalin
the same thing

Natcy 15.09.19

Such garbage, I decided Dead space to replay, start the game, popping up here's Elda, how to solve the problem?

Alpha_Debriz 15.09.19

Well, I guess we have to wait until the game is downloaded and installed.

Bogdan Kravchuk 15.09.19

Rebt what to do if origin no of course to boot and doesn't open or anything

Leeroy_22 15.09.19

C\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR120.dll not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error.
(Error occurs when starting an online store video game Origin)
PS I Have Windows 10 64-bit system. So you want to play in Titfnfall(

Leeroy_22 15.09.19

The Head Of Humalin
So download Origin to your PC , and it will be like Steam to open normally)

suram222 15.09.19

http://trages.battle-mix.space/origin/?r=15927 etim website otkriva I also beat this prablemy and I did

MostWanted-RUS 15.09.19

Fuck, how long has it been 2011, the problems with Origin, shift 2, battle third, I'm still a student, then create this thread. Quickly well time flies, ska...